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Landi's Taiwan Diaries

Landi's Taiwan Diaries

Cilliers Landman




#1 Ep65 The Christmas and New Year Episode
2022/12/28 | 00:09:14
#2 Ep64 A Few Stories for the Festive Season
2022/12/14 | 00:13:29
#3 Ep63 New Election Reaction & My Hospital Adventure
2022/11/30 | 00:14:03
#4 Ep62 Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Taiwan and my experiences
2022/11/16 | 00:18:37
#5 Ep61 (News) First woman to be Best Actor, Hu Jintao’s mysterious exit, and some discharged soldiers
2022/11/02 | 00:12:09
#6 Ep60 (News) Find out why some politicians are nervous about their masters or phd thesis
2022/10/19 | 00:13:19
#7 Ep59 My Strange Dates in Taiwan 我在台灣的各種奇怪約會
2022/10/05 | 00:16:41
#8 Ep58 (News) Queen Elizabeth II and earthquake 女王與地震
2022/09/21 | 00:14:49
#9 Ep57 A Talk with a Covid survivor about her experience in Taiwan
2022/09/07 | 00:15:15
#10 Ep56 (News) How Taiwan people are reacting to China’s missiles following Pelosi’s visit 台灣人對南希·佩洛西訪台及森七七的中國的飛彈的反應
2022/08/24 | 00:13:05
#11 Ep55 What is an APRC and why did I sweat blood to get one
2022/08/10 | 00:11:04
#12 Ep54 (News) Find Out Why Taipei is in a lifestyle magazine
2022/07/27 | 00:17:36
#13 Ep53 A Talk with Peter du Plessis , a Crossfit Box Owner in Taiwan
2022/07/13 | 00:25:51
#14 Ep52 A Behind The Scene's Talk with our producer Wallis Yu
2022/06/29 | 00:24:18
#15 Ep51 Taiwanese are a little spoiled but they don't know it 台灣人不知道他們其實被寵壞了
2022/06/22 | 00:11:23
#16 Ep50 A Special Talk with Lee Mooney, an American podcaster who had been in Taiwan for almost 30 years
2022/06/15 | 00:44:31
#17 Ep49 (News) Why will the new Top Gun movie make China angry? 最新的捍衛戰士電影也辱華了嗎?
2022/06/08 | 00:12:27
#18 Ep48 People who are actually from Taiwan
2022/06/01 | 00:14:55
#19 Ep47 (News) Some thoughts on California church shooting and other stuff
2022/05/25 | 00:19:12
#20 Ep46 Brands from Taiwan
2022/05/18 | 00:11:06
#21 Ep45 A Talk with A Chinese Teacher, Eli Hu 跟中文老師 Eli 的聊聊
2022/05/11 | 00:16:36
#22 Ep44 (News) Some good news from the 10th highest peak in the world & Taiwan’s Covid Milestones
2022/05/04 | 00:18:40
#23 Ep43 Taiwan Agriculture 台灣的農業
2022/04/27 | 00:13:23
#24 Ep42 A Few Interesting Observations of My Taiwan Commute Life 台灣通勤生活的有趣觀察
2022/04/20 | 00:11:17
#25 Ep41 (News) Some good news from the Grammy Awards & some updates from Nancy Pelosi 來自葛萊美獎的好消息&來自南西佩洛西的訊息
2022/04/13 | 00:09:34
#26 Ep40 A Talk with A Taiwanese Private Chef, Jin Wu 跟私廚主廚Jin的聊聊
2022/04/06 | 00:18:53
#27 Ep39 (News) Is Taiwan's National Service long enough? and other stories 台灣的兵役夠長嗎?
2022/03/30 | 00:10:50
#28 Ep38 English language media in Taiwan and my relationship with them 台灣的英文媒體&我跟他們的關係
2022/03/23 | 00:13:34
#29 Ep37 (News) Is Taiwan the same as Ukraine?
2022/03/17 | 00:10:04
#30 Ep36 My Teaching Experiences and Some Funny Stories 我的英文教學經驗跟一些有趣小故事
2022/03/09 | 00:10:59
#31 Ep35 A Talk with my family about their visit to Taiwan 跟我的兄弟姐妹們聊聊他們的台灣行
2022/03/03 | 00:12:53
#32 Ep34 Finally Escaping from Two Weeks of Quarantine 終於解隔離啦!
2022/02/23 | 00:09:55
#33 Ep33 The First Week of My Quarantine Life and Some Observations 我的第一週隔離生活與觀察
2022/02/17 | 00:12:04
#34 Ep32 How I came back to Taiwan, and re-entry was not pleasant 我從南非回台灣的(不太愉快)旅程
2022/02/10 | 00:12:02
#35 Ep31 (News) What is the difference between Chinese Taipei and Taipei China? The winter Olympics are almost here and we'll look at this
2022/02/03 | 00:11:33
#36 Ep30 A Talk with Vickie Chang, a keen mountaineer in Taiwan 訪問來自台灣的登山客 Vickie
2022/01/27 | 00:18:08
#37 Ep29 My Bumpy Adventure Flying from Taiwan to South Africa 我從台灣回南非的驚險旅程
2022/01/19 | 00:10:06
#38 Ep28 (News) Why some workers in Taiwan will be millionaires before Lunar New Year? 一夕之間成為百萬富翁的上班族?
2022/01/12 | 00:10:53
#39 Ep27 Health Care & my clinic experiences 台灣的健保跟我的好笑就醫故事
2022/01/05 | 00:10:16
#40 Ep26 (News) Referendum outcome & How a tooth paste becomes less racist? 公投結果&種族歧視的牙膏?
2021/12/29 | 00:11:24
#41 Ep25 A Talk with Brett, a South African triathlete in Taiwan 訪問鐵人三項運動員 Brett
2021/12/23 | 00:17:34
#42 Ep24 (News) How a mouse almost destroyed Taiwan’s local infections record 一隻老鼠如何差點打破台灣的零確診紀錄?
2021/12/16 | 00:10:59
#43 Ep23 Some Housing Anecdotes from Taiwan 台灣的居住與買房軼事
2021/12/08 | 00:09:45
#44 Ep22 (News) Taiwan’s four-question referendum in December 聊聊台灣的公投
2021/12/01 | 00:11:18
#45 Ep21 Some Differences between Taiwan and Western Countries 台灣與西方國家的差異
2021/11/24 | 00:12:05
#46 Ep20 A Talk with a local, Wallis Yu 與一位台灣人的聊聊
2021/11/17 | 00:13:07
#47 Ep19 (News) A Few News Snippets from Taiwan 台灣新聞漫談
2021/11/10 | 00:10:34
#48 Ep18 Some Tourists Attractions in Taiwan 台灣的觀光景點
2021/11/03 | 00:10:32
#49 Ep17 (News) The Latest Covid News and Other News Items 台灣的新冠病毒疫情更新
2021/10/27 | 00:11:54
#50 Ep16 Sports in Taiwan 台灣的運動
2021/10/20 | 00:10:44
#51 Ep15 A Talk with Theresa Lei: A musician and certified Alexander Technique teacher / 訪問音樂家暨亞歷山大技巧老師 Theresa
2021/10/13 | 00:12:38
#52 Ep14 (News) Why is the absence of National Flags a victory for Taiwan?
2021/10/06 | 00:11:44
#53 Ep13 The 3 Big Holidays in Taiwan 台灣的三大節日
2021/09/29 | 00:11:29
#54 Ep12 What I Like about Taiwan 我喜歡台灣的地方
2021/09/22 | 00:11:45
#55 Ep11 (News) China Threatened Severe Military Measures Find Out Why In This Episode 中國威脅要發動軍事攻擊?讓我們聊聊這事。
2021/09/15 | 00:10:40
#56 Ep10 A Talk with Jason Lowe: Owner of British Pub ON TAP in Taiwan / 訪問英式酒吧 ON TAP 創辦人Jason
2021/09/08 | 00:15:06
#57 Ep09 (News) Covid Updates from Taiwan 台灣的新冠病毒疫情
2021/09/01 | 00:11:27
#58 Ep08 Culture Shock 文化衝擊
2021/08/25 | 00:12:44
#59 Ep07 On the roads of Taiwan 在台灣的路上
2021/08/18 | 00:15:04
#60 Ep06 The notorious Taiwan Typhoons and Earthquakes 我的颱風與地震體驗
2021/08/11 | 00:13:19
#61 Ep05 A Talk with Tim Budden: Paper Cut Artist in Taipei 剪紙藝術家 Tim Budden
2021/08/04 | 00:18:08
#62 Ep04 How Taiwan and China are two countries? 台灣與中國
2021/07/28 | 00:10:23
#63 Ep03 Food - the No. 1 religion here. 食物 - 台灣人最重要信仰
2021/07/21 | 00:11:41
#64 Ep02 When I first came to Taiwan 27 years ago 27年前來到台灣的我
2021/07/14 | 00:09:22
#65 Ep01 Why Taiwan? 為什麼是台灣?
2021/07/12 | 00:10:34


How a traveler from South Africa finally settled in Taiwan. And what he has seen and experienced over the past 30 years. 一個來自南非的旅人最後如何落腳台灣,以及過去近三十年內他在台灣的所見所聞。

Give me feedback: clandi.tw@gmail.com

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