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Ep40 A Talk with A Taiwanese Private Chef, Jin Wu 跟私廚主廚Jin的聊聊

Ep40 A Talk with A Taiwanese Private Chef, Jin Wu 跟私廚主廚Jin的聊聊

Landi's Taiwan Diaries

2022/04/06 | 00:18:53 | SoundOn #society-culture

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(後有中文介紹) In this episode we are happy to talk to Jin Wu, a private chef from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Jin likes to combine western cooking skills with fresh and seasonal ingredients from Taiwan and owns “WuHsieh Lab”, a creative private kitchen in Taipei which is for reservation only. She also does Hakka food classes for tourists. In this episode we are happy to talk to Jin about how she fell in love with cooking and many interesting things she has done. Jin will also share how she learned cooking when she was on working holidays in Australia. This is a fun episode and I’m sure you will like it. Don’t miss it!

Cat Inside Alert In this episode we also have four special cat guests playing around that you will hear from time to time. We assure you all four of them are very happy and no one is harmed during the recording.

*WuHsieh Lab 吳謝私廚工作室 https://www.facebook.com/wuhsieh.lab/

這一集裡我們很開心可以邀請到來自高雄美濃的私廚主廚 Jin!Jin 擅長結合西式料理手法與台灣在地的新鮮當季食材,他在台北有一間預約制私廚「WuHsieh Lab 吳謝私廚工作室」,也有開設給觀光客的客家料理課程。這一集裡我們將從他愛上料理的故事開始聊起,也會談到他做過的許多有趣事。Jin也會跟我們分享他是如何在澳洲打工度假的旅程中接觸料理的。這一集非常有趣,你們一定會喜歡。別錯過!


*Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay