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Ep35 A Talk with my family about their visit to Taiwan 跟我的兄弟姐妹們聊聊他們的台灣行

Ep35 A Talk with my family about their visit to Taiwan 跟我的兄弟姐妹們聊聊他們的台灣行

Landi's Taiwan Diaries

2022/03/03 | 00:12:53 | SoundOn #society-culture

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Every 5 episodes I have an interview with my friends in Taiwan about their thoughts and experiences in Taiwan. But this episode is a little different because this time the interview was recorded with my sisters and brother when I was in South Africa this January. We talked about their trip to Taiwan 10 years ago and it was fun! Want to know my little sister’s special shopping experience and what impressed my big sister? Also, my brother first visited me in Taiwan not long after I arrived here almost 30 years ago, so what does he think about Taiwan after visiting here again? Don’t miss this episode!


*Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay