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Ep44 (News) Some good news from the 10th highest peak in the world & Taiwan’s Covid Milestones

Ep44 (News) Some good news from the 10th highest peak in the world & Taiwan’s Covid Milestones

Landi's Taiwan Diaries

2022/05/04 | 00:18:40 | SoundOn #society-culture

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(後有中文介紹) It’s a news episode again. In this episode I have so much to talk to you about. First thing is that someone is complaining about Taiwan’s bank system? Well that for me is big news! And do you know we just had a big leap in Covid cases in Taiwan last week? Last but not least, I’m also sharing an amazing big news story coming from ​​Annapurna, the 10th highest peak in the world. Don’t miss this episode and let me know what you think!

又到了新聞漫談時間。這一集有好多想跟你們分享的新聞。首先是,我竟然聽到有人在抱怨台灣的銀行系統?Well 這對我來說真的是個需要好好聊聊的大消息!還有,你們聽說了上週的台灣疫情大躍進嗎?最後,我也會分享一個來自世界第十高峰--安納普納的不可思議的好消息。別錯過這一集,且歡迎你跟我分享你的想法!

*Music by M-Dewala from Pixabay