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Ep10 A Talk with Jason Lowe: Owner of British Pub ON TAP in Taiwan / 訪問英式酒吧 ON TAP 創辦人Jason

Ep10 A Talk with Jason Lowe: Owner of British Pub ON TAP in Taiwan / 訪問英式酒吧 ON TAP 創辦人Jason

Landi's Taiwan Diaries

2021/09/08 | 00:15:06 | SoundOn #society-culture

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n this episode I had a talk with Jason, one of the owners of a British pub ON TAP in the heart of Taipei. In the beginning Jason was not planning to stay in Taiwan for a long time, but he turned out to be the owner of a famous pub in Taiwan. Want to know Jason’s experience of opening ON TAP? And what in Taiwan hasn’t Jason got used to even after almost 20 years of living here? You don't want to miss this episode!


這一集我們訪問到的是位於台北鬧區的英式酒吧 ON TAP 的老闆之一 Jason。Jason 原本並不打算長住在台灣,之前也從沒有經營酒吧的經驗,現在卻留在台灣成為了知名酒吧的老闆。想聽聽 Jason 創立 ON TAP的經驗嗎?以及已經在台灣將近二十年的他,到底還無法適應台灣的什麼呢?別錯過這一集!