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日常中文 Daily Mandarin

日常中文 Daily Mandarin



2022/04/02 | Firstory


#1 Ep41 船到橋頭自然直 Everything will be all right
2023/06/04 | 00:04:04
#2 Ep40 鬼打牆 Going around in circles
2023/05/21 | 00:02:58
#3 Ep39 在台灣吃喜酒 Weddings in Taiwan
2023/05/07 | 00:04:54
#4 Ep38 少根筋 Careless
2023/04/23 | 00:03:51
#5 Ep37 你吃素嗎?Are you a vegetarian?
2023/04/09 | 00:06:20
#6 Ep36 提不起勁 Feel flat
2023/03/26 | 00:04:49
#7 Ep35 傻眼 Facepalm
2023/03/12 | 00:03:26
#8 Ep34 訪談 ft.Yi-Chiao|我的永續生活實踐 How I start my sustainable lifestyle
2023/02/26 | 00:18:22
#9 Ep33 豬隊友 Weak teammate
2023/02/12 | 00:03:29
#10 Ep32 風水帶來好運!Let Feng Shui bring you good luck
2023/01/29 | 00:05:10
#11 Ep31 訪談 ft.Yi-Chiao|我從留學生活學到的事 What I’ve learned when I studied abroad
2023/01/15 | 00:16:42
#12 Ep30 新年新希望!New Year’s Resolutions
2023/01/01 | 00:04:54
#13 Ep29 養成理財習慣的3個好方法 3 ways to manage your money better
2022/12/18 | 00:06:20
#14 Ep28 訪談ft.Yi-Chiao|維持學語言動力的秘訣 Tips for motivating yourself to learn a language
2022/12/04 | 00:14:42
#15 Ep27 你有養「毛小孩」嗎?Do you have pets?
2022/11/20 | 00:05:12
#16 Ep26 耍小聰明 Live by one’s wits
2022/11/06 | 00:03:29
#17 Ep25 你被炒魷魚了!You are fired
2022/10/23 | 00:03:15
#18 Ep24 提升中文口說的3個好方法 3 ways to improve your Chinese speaking skills
2022/10/09 | 00:06:01
#19 Ep23 你有「偶包」嗎? Burden of having to maintain one's image as a pop idol
2022/09/25 | 00:03:22
#20 Ep22 提升工作效率的3個好方法 3 ways to improve your work efficiency
2022/09/11 | 00:06:30
#21 Ep21 厚臉皮 Thick-skinned
2022/08/28 | 00:04:37
#22 Ep20 門兒都沒有 No way
2022/08/14 | 00:03:29
#23 Ep19: 垃圾車會放音樂!Taiwan's musical garbage trucks
2022/07/31 | 00:04:55
#24 Ep18 你喜歡叫外送嗎? Do you like to order food online?
2022/07/24 | 00:04:55
#25 Ep17 很下飯 It’s very appetizing
2022/07/17 | 00:03:34
#26 Ep16 硬著頭皮 Bite the bullet
2022/07/10 | 00:04:21
#27 Ep15 訪談 ft.Huai-Qing|自學語言的好方法(下) Learn a language by yourself II
2022/07/03 | 00:12:49
#28 Ep14 訪談 ft.Huai-Qing|自學語言的好方法(上) Learn a language by yourself I
2022/06/26 | 00:11:43
#29 Ep13 整理空間也整理人生 Tidy up and start a new life
2022/06/19 | 00:08:01
#30 Ep12 他不是我的菜 He is not my type
2022/06/12 | 00:03:37
#31 Ep11 「不好意思」是什麼意思?Excuse me
2022/06/05 | 00:08:01
#32 Ep9 訪談 ft. Yu-Hua|聊聊台灣郵局(上) 一定要認識的郵局服務 Post Office in Taiwan I
2022/05/29 | 00:11:35
#33 Ep8 半斤八兩/五十步笑百步 Six of one, half a dozen of the other
2022/05/22 | 00:03:01
#34 Ep7 吹毛求疵/很龜毛 So picky
2022/05/15 | 00:03:08
#35 Ep6 你姓什麼?What’s your last name?
2022/05/08 | 00:06:06
#36 Ep5 聊聊補習文化 Cram school phenomenon in Taiwan
2022/05/01 | 00:04:48
#37 Ep4 同舟共濟/在同一條船上 We are all in the same boat
2022/04/24 | 00:03:37
#38 Ep3 來台灣體驗看中醫!Experience Traditional Chinese Medicine in Taiwan!
2022/04/17 | 00:04:48
#39 Ep2 生肖決定個性?真的假的!Chinese zodiac signs and characters
2022/04/10 | 00:04:52
#40 Ep1 如何學好一個語言 How to learn a language well?
2022/04/03 | 00:05:12


我是來自台灣的Yi-An,歡迎來到日常中文Daily Mandarin!在這個頻道中,將帶大家認識母語人士都是怎麼說中文的,讓你除了在課本學習外,更能實際運用在日常生活中!我相信,語言能溝通才是最重要,一起來認識中文之美吧 :)

Hi! Welcome to Daily Mandarin! I am Yi-An from Taiwan. I hope with this podcast, I can help you learn Mandarin in a fun way. More importantly, you can learn authentic ways of speaking and really use it in your daily life. So join me now and find your own happiness in learning Mandarin!

合作/上課/交流,歡迎來信 dailymandarin8@gmail.com
For more cooperation, courses or further exchange, please write me an email: dailymandarin8@gmail.com

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