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#1 Titanic Couldn't Have Ended Differently, Director Says 翻轉鐵達尼號的結局!?
2023/01/26 | 00:05:42
#2 S3E2 Bank of England Reveals King Charles III Notes 英國銀行將會發行「查爾斯三世」鈔票
2023/01/19 | 00:07:18
#3 Tips to Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions 新年新希望
2023/01/06 | 00:05:34
#4 Boomers to Gen Z: Talking About Generations 一起來了解 : 嬰兒潮世代到Z世代
2022/11/24 | 00:06:58
#5 Tesla's First Semi Trailer Trucks Expected in December 特斯拉第一台電動拖拉曳引車即將在今年12月交車
2022/11/17 | 00:07:03
#6 US Universities: What are 'Ivy League' Schools? 美國名校 : 常春藤聯盟的由來
2022/11/10 | 00:07:42
#7 McDonald's Japan Raises Prices on 60% of Its Menu 日本麥當勞又漲價了!!
2022/11/03 | 00:07:33
#8 Global View of China has Worsened Under Xi — Report 全球對於中國習主席時代的看法
2022/10/25 | 00:09:17
#9 No Time to Exercise? Weekend Workouts Can Be Enough 沒時間運動怎麼辦 ? 假日動起來~
2022/10/21 | 00:06:24
#10 California Job Ads to Show Pay Rates from 2023 2023年一月上路的加州工作新政策
2022/10/18 | 00:07:31
#11 A Guide to Business Cards Around the World 各國商業禮儀大解析 - 名片篇
2022/01/26 | 00:10:08
#12 Parents Spent More Quality Time with Kids in Pandemic 疫情期間父母與小孩度過更美好的時光
2022/01/24 | 00:09:10
#13 The Most-Searched Politicians of 2021
2022/01/21 | 00:09:08
#14 What Does It Mean to Be Called a 'Karen' 誰? Karen 到底是誰 ?
2022/01/19 | 00:09:11
#15 YouTube Names 2021's Top Videos by Country 2021 年 TOP Youtube 排行榜
2022/01/17 | 00:09:35
#16 Joe Biden: Where does he stand on key issues? 拜登就職後政策
2021/01/20 | 00:16:12
#17 UK to Ban Unhealthy Food Deals 英國禁止不健康食品?!
2021/01/14 | 00:07:36
#18 Sweden's Icehotel Opens New Art Suites 冰天雪地旅行去
2021/01/12 | 00:06:37
#19 Making a Change: Popular New Year's Resolutions 新年新希望
2021/01/05 | 00:08:49
#20 New Year Celebration in different Countries 跨年怎麼慶祝呢?
2021/01/01 | 00:07:03
#21 Ring in the New Year 即將到來的2021
2020/12/30 | 00:07:59
#22 Google Calls 2020 the Year of 'Why?' 大家最常問Google "為什麼"?
2020/12/28 | 00:10:22
#23 Christmas Food Enjoyed Around the World 聖誕節異國美食
2020/12/25 | 00:10:51
#24 America Christmas v.s British Christmas 美式 vs 英式聖誕節
2020/12/24 | 00:17:29
#25 5 Ways Christmas is Different in Japan 日本聖誕節傳統
2020/12/23 | 00:12:39
#26 Unusual Christmas traditions you may not know 不正常的聖誕節???
2020/12/22 | 00:08:49
#27 Where do Christmas traditions come from? 聖誕節打哪來??
2020/12/22 | 00:09:45


還在找一個有趣的學英文方式嗎? Ula 老師跟大家一樣從小對學英文一直都有陰影,直到遇見一個很棒的老師,有趣又搞笑無壓力式的學習,才讓我明白,這才是最有效率的方法!!! 用心感受生活大小事,將英文融入生活的每件小事,每天10分鐘我們一起開口輕鬆說英文吧~~

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