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102 Life Lessons from Woof

102 Life Lessons from Woof

Author: Jewels Williams
Publisher: Puzzles Media House
Publication Date: 15 Dec 2022
ISBN-13: 9781954311084
Bookstore 1


Woof, my young, handsome, noble and intelligent German shepherd rescue was one of a kind whose life was stolen in an unfortunate accident and whose departure left a hole that was too big to fill.

Before I met him, I thought I knew dogs, but Woof unveiled a world of dogs to me of which I was previously unaware. For that I will be forever grateful.

This book, is a tribute to our pets-those that are still with us, and those that live only in our memories. It is a testament to how our dogs, specifically, improve our lives without our knowing it. Each quote is a life lesson that, I believe, will resonate with many readers. I sincerely hope you will be able to gain as much or more from them as I learned from Woof, himself.

The Hebrew word for dog is kelev meaning like the heart. What more needs to be said?

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