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The Birds

The Birds

Author: Aristophanes Jeffrey Henderson
Publisher: Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co
Publication Date: 01 Jul 1999
ISBN-13: 9780941051873
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The Birds


This is an English translation of Aristophanes' greatest comedy the Birds and is the story of birds taking control of the government. Includes background material on the historical and cultural context of this work, suggestions for further reading, and notes. Focus Classical Library provides close translations with notes and essays to provide access to understanding Greek culture.

Author Description

Jeffrey Henderson (PhD Harvard) is William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Greek Language and Literature at Boston University, and General Editor of the Loeb Classical Library. He is the author of groundbreaking translations and articles on Greek comic dramatists. His other translations for Focus Classical Library include Aristophanes' "Lysistrata," "Clouds, "Frogs," "The Birds," and "Three Comedies: Acharnians, Lysistrata, Clouds."

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