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Utopian Pulse : Flares in the Darkroom

Utopian Pulse : Flares in the Darkroom

Author: Ines Doujak Oliver Ressler
Publisher: Pluto Press
Publication Date: 15 Aug 2015
ISBN-13: 9780745335964
Bookstore 1


The politics of Utopia have already produced a rich and varied literature - St. Simon, Buber, Bloch, and many others. Utopian Pulse explores this tradition from the perspective of art practice and asks how we can engage with and contribute to it. This book will be published alongside an exhibition of the same name and will include artwork from the exhibition itself.

The work's contributors invoke Utopia as an always incomplete alternative and a recognition of something missing, which opens up the possibility of asserting something which is not yet but will be. International artistic researchers, artists and artist-curators contribute different modes of engagement which they are already constituting through their own practice. More than just a theoretical treatise, this book is an overview of a series of works and projects that are brought to life and which the book seeks to document.

This book will serve not only as a contribution to the existing literature on Utopia and Utopian politics, but also as an inspiration to artists seeking to realise these ideas through their work.

Table of Contents

Foreword - Ines Doujak and Oliver Ressler
1. Urgent Alternatives: Utopian Moments
2. Fluchthilfe & Du? - Katarzyna Winiecka
3. Driven into Conflict by Utopia - Antke Engel
4. Salon Fluchthilfe/Unthinking Utopia – Borderlessness as Method - Zanny Begg
5. The World Is Flooding - Oreet Ashery
6. Out of the Salon – Female Counter-Spaces, Anti-Colonial Struggles and Transversal Politics - Sophie Schasiepen
7. Salon Public Happiness - Christoph Schäfer
8. Please Take Generously - Wealth of Negations
9. Self-Insufficiency - Matthew Hyland
10. Salon Orrizonti Occupati / Occupied Horizons - Bert Theis
11. Known Nowheres: Some Short Thoughts on Going Beyond - Marina Vishmidt
12. MogokNasional - Nobodycorp. Internationale Unlimited
13. A Preview of the Future: Workers’ Control in the Context of a Global Systemic Crisis - Dario Azzellini and Oliver Ressler
14. Salons, the Utopian Salon and Substantial Shops - Alice Creischer
15. B.A.N.G. - Etcétera
17. Salon-e-Girdbad - Mariam Ghani
18. Taksim Square, June 2013 - Halil Altindere
19. Queering Utopia in the Darkroom - Fernanda Nogueira
20. Cuartos de Utopía/Wittgenstein and the Gypsies - Pedro G. Romero/Maquina P.H.
21. El Espacio del Inmigrante - Daniela Ortiz
22. Salón de Belleza - Miguel A. López
23. A Mask Is Always Active - Ines Doujak and Fahim Amir

Author Description

Ines Doujak is a feminist artist whose work has been widely exhibited, including at the Biennial in Sao Paulo (2014) and the documenta 12 in Kassel (2007). She is the co-author of Utopian Pulse (Pluto, 2015).

Oliver Ressler is an artist and filmmaker based in Vienna. His work has been exhibited across the world including at the Berkeley Art Museum, USA, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul and the Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum, Egypt. He is the editor of It's the Political Economy, Stupid (Pluto, 2013) and the author of Utopian Pulse (Pluto, 2015).

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