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1000 Sacred Places

1000 Sacred Places

Author: Christoph Engels
Publisher: Ullmann Publishing
Publication Date: 20 Sep 2014
ISBN-13: 9783833154805
Bookstore 1


Spanning prehistoric times to the present, 1000 Sacred Places is a richly illustrated guide to the world's most extraordinary spiritual sites. Holy places and spiritual sites are found throughout the world, and all of them have in common a mysterious drawing power that has held humankind in its spell since the beginnings of time. This book contains detailed information about the world's religions and their venerated people and sites. Overview maps and symbols of the religions, alongside each site being listed with GPS coordinates, make orientation easy. Included are the holy sites of the great religions, along with countless spiritual places of indigenous peoples and vanished cultures. Amongst the one thousand special places featured, you will find some of the great Christian cathedrals in Europe; pilgrim paths and places of pilgrimage; Hindu, Buddhist and Shinto temples in Asia; the most important mosques of the Islam; natural sanctuaries in Africa, America and Australia; prehistoric cult sites and modern sanctuaries. This beautiful book is a spiritual journey through history and the cultures of the world.

Author Description

Christoph Engels studied theology and philosophy in Bonn and Kiel. He works as the pastor of a Protestant parish in Leverkusen, Germany. Through conversations and cooperation with a team of religion and culture scientists, he gathered a plethora of information and wrote a sophisticated and comprehensive perspective on holy places everywhere in the world.

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