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Catechism of Four Mystical Saints

Catechism of Four Mystical Saints

Author: Dusty Rose
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: 08 Jun 2020
ISBN-13: 9798652126735
Bookstore 1


This is another in a series of books on spiritual direction from different saints--in their own words, revealed by Jesus and Mary. These saints in this volume are extraordinarily gifted and have much to tell us, not only of their lives, but of the mystical connection between heaven and earth. Many messages and guidance from Jesus Christ given to Anna-Maria Taigi, an Italian mystic of the 18th century, stigmatist, gift of prophecy, incorrupt body, as well as other miracles; St. Gemma Galgani, another Italian on the 19th century, who was a Passionist nun, stigmatist, mystic, who died when she was only 25; St. Veronica Guiliani, another Italian mystic of the 16th century, and incorrupt body, who performed miracles while she was still alive; and St. Elisabeth Schonau, a German medieval mystic who was a contemporary and friend of St. Hildegard of Bingen. All these women had the same common element of all saints, which they were on fire with love for God. Come join them in their stories and learn the ways of the saints through this series on spiritual direction for your own spiritual journey.

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