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Success Intelligence : Essential Lessons and Practices from the World's leading Coaching Programme on Authentic Success

Success Intelligence : Essential Lessons and Practices from the World's leading Coaching Programme on Authentic Success

Author: Robert Holden
Publisher: Hay House UK Ltd
Publication Date: 04 Jan 2010
ISBN-13: 9781848501676
Bookstore 1


Are You Living a Successful Life? Do you have a vision? Do you enjoy your work? Are your relationships thriving? Success Intelligence examines how to enjoy real, soulful success while living in a manic, busy and hyped-up world. Robert Holden is the creator of a unique program - called Success Intelligence - used worldwide by artists and writers, entrepreneurs and leaders; and also global companies and brands such as Dove, the Body Shop, the BBC and Virgin. This landmark book is an invaluable guide to genuine success and happiness.
Authentic Success: Create a vision in your life, work and relationships that doesn't get lost in a sick hurry.
The Real More: Identify what the REAL YOU really wants and discover the real purpose of your life.
Your Success Contract: Free your mind, liberate your talent and attract more effortless success.
Unblock Yourself: Conduct a Busyness Audit, give up Destination Addiction, release dysfunctional independence and overcome your fear of success.
Follow Your Joy: Learn why happiness is the key to greater inspiration, creativity and meaningful success.

Author Description

Robert Holden, Ph.D.'s innovative work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, and the PBS special Shift Happens! and in two major BBC-TV documentaries, The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy. Robert leads Living Your Purpose retreats to Assisi. He hosts a Hero's Journey Mastermind. He has taught workshops on Purpose & the Enneagram in London, Findhorn, and Italy. His article for Oprah.com, "Discover Your Purpose," is a people's favorite.
Robert's services as a consultant and coach are employed worldwide by organizations and brands such as Dove & the Real Beauty Campaign, the Body Shop, IBM, Google, and Virgin. In the last two years, he has worked with Unilever on a BRAND PURPOSE mission for all of its 400 brands.
Robert has presented two TEDx talks on Destination Addiction and The Tea Meditation. He has given over 100 keynotes to industry and 50 keynote talks for I CAN DO IT! conferences worldwide. Robert is a best-selling author of 10 books, including Happiness NOW!, Authentic Success (formerly titled Success Intelligence), Shift Happens!, Loveability, Holy Shift!, Life Loves You (co-written with Louise Hay), and Finding Love Everywhere. www.robertholden.com

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