Only the bipolar and overstressed can cure their disorders! Bipolar disorder is caused by "arrogant, deceptive, significant others" and stressful situations. Minds go out of control when stressed beyond "design" limits. The author was afflicted with bipolar disorder in 1977, experiencing sporadic manic episodes until 1994, while on prescribed medications. He has worked 16 years developing an amazing cure for his disorder using physics (physical exercises) and nuclear modeling. Briefly stressing the brain to emotional limits releases emotional tensions and forces its subconscious processes to understand and heal themselves. Elevating moods, a few times a week, is similar to a vaccination preparing the mind for real stress and has developed a confident, creative mind. Integrating science, metaphysics, and spirituality has developed the author's cure. Exercises can release stress from localized trauma memories, similar to psychoanalysis. Muscles are connected to nerves and nerves are connected to neurons in the brain. Sensations are felt in the upper neck, throat, brainstem, and brain. Organized exercises and writing restructures the brain. If working toward their own cures, readers should develop a sense of satisfaction and confidence. The following experiences have inspired the author's work and cure: 1. A "certain death" near car accident caused a "flash" of emotional memories. 2. An incompatible marriage caused severe stress and bipolar disorder. 3. Discussions with a neurosurgeon and nuclear modeling skills instilled confidence to model the brain and mind. 4. A spiritual message demanded obedience for spiritual communication and writing. There is no quick cure for bipolar disorder. Sanity and a future are worth the long effort. Without manic episodes for 16 years, the author has proven that bipolar disorder can be cured. The author's work also promotes spiritual communication. Can cured manic minds help understand God?
Bipolar Blessings & Mind Expansion Second Edition : One Cure For Bipolar Disorder
Author Description
Hugh Drummond Fulcher received a BS in Physics (Math), and an MS in Nuclear Engineering, from VA Tech. He was a licensed operator of the VA Tech experimental nuclear reactor and studied at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago. His thesis was on nuclear reactor modeling and design. The author resides in Forest, VA, and has two children: Dr. Keston Hugh Fulcher, Kara Fulcher Hawkins, MD, (and her husband, Andrew Hawkins, MD, and son, Jack.) He taught University physics and engineering courses at VA Tech in Danville, VA, and at Danville Community College. He worked in nuclear and computer industries for twenty-five years in management, nuclear reactor design, and software development. He has written nuclear and software documents and given presentations on nuclear physics and software development to nuclear societies. Conversations on neurosurgery with Dr. O. Hugh Fulcher (an uncle, deceased, ) former Head of the Georgetown University Neurosurgery Department and experience in modeling complex nuclear systems gave the author confidence in modeling and understanding the brain and mind. Mr. Fulcher's books are written to heal the mind, cure bipolar disorder, and integrate science and Christianity for spiritual understanding. He has given talks, and television and radio interviews. Physics models cross boundaries into metaphysical treatments of the mind and God. An unusual spiritual message demanded obedience for the author to write about God. Mind healing and spiritual technologies were developed over a thirty year period. In 2005, Mr. Fulcher established a financial company, SouthEast Leasing in Forest, VA. He is a member of Who's Who in the South and Southwest and a member of Who's Who in America.