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New Voices in Chinese Science Fiction

New Voices in Chinese Science Fiction

Author: Neil Clarke Xia Jia Regina Kanyu Wang
Publisher: Clarkesworld Books
Publication Date: 07 Jul 2022
ISBN-13: 9781642361117
Bookstore 1


Science fiction is international in scope, but many works are often unavailable to readers because of language barriers or the costs involved in transcending them. In the eleven years I've been publishing science fiction works from China, I've had the privilege of working with and featuring stories by both of my co-editors, as well as dozens of other authors. Anthologies and projects like this one are an editor's joy. We've been given the opportunity to shine a light on eight Chinese authors that have not been previously published (at that time) in English. Authors you should know about. New voices, or at least new to you.

Includes stories by: Shuang Chimu 双翅目Liu Xiao 刘啸Yang Wanqing 杨晚晴Hui Hu 灰狐Congyun "Mu Ming" Gu 慕明Liang Qingsan 梁清散Shi Heiyao 石黑曜Liao Shubo 廖舒波

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