This is the story of a certain beginning and a certain ending. The sad story of Takane Enomoto and Haruka Kokonose reaches its climax, and the mystery behind the enigmatic cyber-girl named 'Ene' is finally solved! But behind that truth lies a darker one, more inexplicable and horrifying than anything the members of the Mekakushi-dan have encountered yet. Also, the gang goes shopping!
Kagerou Daze, Vol. 4 (manga)
Author Description
JIN (Author) JIN is best known as the author of the Kagerou Daze light novel series. Sidu (Author) Sidu is best known for illustrating the light novel series,Kagerou Daze. Mahiro Satou (Author) Mahiro Satou is the artist behind the manga adaptation of the series Kagerou Daze.