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On Pins and Needles

On Pins and Needles

Author: Elizabeth Craig
Publisher: Elizabeth Spann Craig
Publication Date: 26 Nov 2018
ISBN-13: 9781946227782
Bookstore 1


Some new residents don't deserve welcome baskets.

Small towns can be notoriously cliquey. Dappled Hills, however, wasn't usually such a town. The residents ordinarily welcomed newcomers with open arms. But when Annabelle Tremont moved to town, the usual cheery greetings became angry whispers. Annabelle could be difficult and it wasn't a big surprise to anyone when she turned up dead.

Beatrice was surprised when Annabelle moved from Atlanta to Dappled Hills ... but she wasn't surprised when she made enemies. That's because Beatrice knew Annabelle from her days as a museum curator.

Now Beatrice must find the killer ... and clear her own name.

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