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Loose Chronicles : Dog from a Distant Universe

Loose Chronicles : Dog from a Distant Universe

Author: R D Gaines
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date: 19 Sep 2017
ISBN-13: 9781973862697
Bookstore 1


Ocean Beach, California 1975. Welcome to the fascinating world of Loose, Sundance, and a small gathering of humans . . . Sundance-"King of the Wild Animals"-the beautiful Golden Lab ever on the prowl for seagulls, cheesecake, and fleas . . . Loose-the straggly Labradoodle with a dog-busy brain-strangely different from the average pup. In fact, Bob often kids that Loose just might be from another galaxy, sent to Earth to sniff around before the big space invasion. Naturally, Loose believes the story. After all, he's a profoundly observant dog with plenty to say . . . even if nobody seems to be listening. From overzealous dogcatchers to strawberry-scented flea baths, Loose Chronicles: Dog from a Distant Universe (Hidden Shelf Publishing House) is packed with bone-gnawing adventure. And, it's a true story . . . sort of . . .

Author Description

R.D. Gaines (author) - Born into a naval family in 1945, Bob Gaines was raised in California, Rhode Island, and Virginia. Even as a child, he had an obsession for recording his stray thoughts into hundreds of notebooks. After graduating from San Diego State, Bob raised two great dogs-Sundance and Loose. He would spend a decade as an award-winning sports columnist before moving east, eventually retiring from Bucknell University in 2012. Loose Chronicles is the third book he has had published-The Three Mathewsons (Hidden Shelf 2012) and The Christian Gentleman: How Christy Mathewson's Faith and Fastball Forever Changed Baseball (Roman & Littlefield 2015). His fourth book, One Christmas Lasts Forever (Hidden Shelf), will be released in October 2017. His first novel-The Brave Historian-will be published by Hidden Shelf in 2018.

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