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Contemporary Georgian Fiction

Contemporary Georgian Fiction

Author: Elizabeth Heighway
Publisher: Dalkey Archive Press
Publication Date: 07 Jun 2012
ISBN-13: 9781564787163
Bookstore 1


Spanning fifty years, but with a particular emphasis on post-independence fiction, this collection features a diverse range of styles and voices, offering a window onto a vibrant literary scene that has been largely inaccessible to the English-language reader until now. With stories addressing subjects as diverse as blood feuds, betrayal, sex, drugs, and Sergio Leone, it promises to challenge any existing preconceptions the reader might hold, and make available a rich and varied literary tradition unjustly overshadowed by the other ex-Soviet republics, until now.

Table of Contents

IntroductionDebi, by Mariam BekauriThe Round Table, by Lasha BugadzeThe Dubbing, by Zaza BurchuladzeThe Chair, by David DephyReal Beings, by Teona DolenjashviliThe Happy Hillock, by Guram DochanashviliThe White Bridge, by Rezo GabriadzeCinderella's Night, by Kote JandieriKolya, by Irakli JavakhadzeThe Squirrel, by Davit KartvelishviliLadies and Gentlemen!, by Besik KharanauliA Caucasian Chronicle, by Mamuka KherkheulidzeThe Drunks, by Archil KikodzeRain, by Ana Kordzaia-SamadashviliLove in a Prison Cell, by Zurab LezhavaA Story of Sex, by Maka MikeladzeOnce Upon a Time in Georgia, by Aka MorchiladzeSelling Books, by Zaal SamadashviliNovember Rain, by Nugzar ShataidzeThe Suicide Train, by Nino TepnadzeAuthor Biographies

Author Description

Elizabeth Heighway holds a BA in Philosophy and Modern Languages from the University of Oxford and is currently studying for an MA in Translation Studies at the University of Birmingham. She translates from Georgian and French.

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