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How To Set Up A Homeschool And Work Full-Time

How To Set Up A Homeschool And Work Full-Time

Author: Nash Benedict
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: 16 May 2021
ISBN-13: 9798504578361
Bookstore 1


The purpose of this book is to assist parents in setting up a homeschooling system in their home that allows them to successfully homeschool and work away from their home at a full-time job. Yes, a parent can homeschool and work at a full-time job at the same time.This book explains all the details in setting up the homeschooling system. These are the details that must be completed first, before the teaching begins.I get right to the point in this book. I am not going to waste your time with a personal life history of homeschooling. This book is a detailed reference guide which you can continually refer back to for information. I set most of it up like an outline to make it easy to read and comprehend. I do this with bulleted entries and boldfaced headings.Through all my research on homeschooling, such as viewing websites, watching videos, and researching books, I have not found enough detailed information for the actual setup process that I am presenting here. When homeschooling is presented by other sources, they skip the setup and just jump into the teaching stage. I think this is why many parents may be intimidated by ever attempting to homeschool their children. They don't really know how to start organizing the beginning stages of a homeschooling system. In this book, I will give parents not only an overview, but numerous details on the first stages of starting to prepare for homeschooling.I am also presenting various systems of homeschooling that a parent, who needs to keep their full-time job outside of their home, can successfully initiate. Once your homeschooling system is prepared and organized, it can run smoothly. My book includes information on homeschooling laws, support groups, co-ops, tutors, lesson plans, conglomerates, learning styles, and teaching methods; 64+ online curriculums and resources; scheduling, goal formation, record keeping, some examples of skills by grade; safety and legalities; websites for curriculums, laws, and resources; and so much more than this. All the information in this book has taken the author many months of research to locate and analyze. So, a lot of your research time of hunting down information and websites that offer curriculum, lessons, resources, laws, homeschooling procedures, and so on, has been saved by the author doing this work for you.I, the author, feel that at this time, there is a great need for parents to homeschool their children, and there is a great need for a homeschooling book that can save them months of research to try to figure out how to do it. I was driven by a great desire to create this book to assist these parents. No parent should get discouraged. Once the preliminary details are put into place, any parent who wants to homeschool their children can. My education includes a teaching degree in elementary education for 1st through 8th grade students.

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