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What Does Your Dog Really Want to Eat?

What Does Your Dog Really Want to Eat?

Author: William Campbell Douglass
Publisher: Douglass Family Publishing LLC
Publication Date: 16 Jul 2008
ISBN-13: 9789962636816
Bookstore 1


The Complete Cook' book for your Dog What Does Your Dog Really Want to Eat? Here's a hint: the word "cook" is in parenthesis because there is no cooking at all! Your pet wants it RAW! Sadly, the recent pet holocaust was as unimaginable as it was avoidable. While the "kibble companies" were destroying the health of our furry friends I was railing at the junk pet food industry and warning pet owners long before the melamine mass poisoning took place. If our pets were fed properly, no one would have lost their faithful companion. It's never too late to learn: Inside this book you'll find exactly what to feed your pet dog how to feed them, how often, and not only WHY this menu is loved by them but HOW it will lengthen their lives considerably. We owe it to our animal friends to treat and FEED them right. PS: You will note that cats are left out. Cats are, absolutely and positively, carnivorous. Feeding commercial kibble to a cat is MURDER.

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