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Art of Sketching: 400 Years of Travel Diaries

Art of Sketching: 400 Years of Travel Diaries

Author: Pascale Argod
Publisher: Promopress
Publication Date: 12 Apr 2016
ISBN-13: 9788415967767
Bookstore 1


Memories of other places, travel notebooks chronicle the experience of getting to know each other and ourselves. They have been companions of artists from Durer to Philip Delord, going through the orientalists and explorers. "Art of Sketching" illustrates the great scientific and journalistic adventures in history, from the Egyptian campaign to the war in Iraq. It also explores more intimate territories, capturing the essence of our world to preserve the remembrance. Between text and image, this stunning collection travels through the centuries revealing the most beautiful pages of a very human adventure

Author Description

Pascale Argod, who holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences, is a lecturer at Bordeaux University. As a member of a research group on cultural and visual studies, she does research on travel sketchbooks and travel diaries.

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