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Reformation Thought : An Anthology of Sources

Reformation Thought : An Anthology of Sources

Author: Margaret L. King
Publisher: Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
Publication Date: 01 Sep 2016
ISBN-13: 9781624665172
Bookstore 1


"A superb anthology of primary sources relating most directly to sixteenth-century Reformation movements. The initial selection is from the late fourteenth century and the final two from the mid-eighteenth century. The fifty texts here are wide and well focused. They are drawn from forty-one authors with diversities across many categories— birth, occupation, gender, religious orders, and 'the rest married women of middling and noble rank.' Fifteen are Roman Catholic with twenty-six coming from Lutheran, Reformed, and radical movements. King notes that genres include 'treatise, lecture, pamphlet, letter, speech, devotional work, martyr testament, diary, memoir, and autobiography.' So this is as representative a group of documents as one can imagine, spanning 400 years and conveying essential insights that fueled Reformation thought. "In addition to the judicious selection of pieces, the book is clearly organized. It features perceptive, focused descriptions of each selection conveying its backgrounds and contexts, and providing insights for readers to help in understanding and comprehending the content and importance of the piece. This is an immense benefit. King gives true texture and brings her masterful teaching instincts to bear on the selections. Her annotations in themselves are an instructive guide through Reformation movements. The selections are short but well-focused. They are accessible in form, and thirty-eight of the fifty pieces have been newly translated by King from a number of languages. Spelling, punctuation, and diction of pieces that have appeared in earlier English editions (sixteenth through nineteenth centuries) have been modernized. The New International Version (NIV) has been used for biblical quotations in the narratives. In short, every effort has been made—and has succeeded—in providing a reliable, accessible, and truly useful anthology to serve a number of functions. "This book has many excellencies. It can be highly recommended as a well-conceived collection of well-constructed presentations and as an eminently useful textbook." —Donald K. McKim, in Renaissance Quarterly

Table of Contents

Introduction; In Search of Christ: Steps Toward Reformation; Erasmus: The Egg That Luther Hatched?; Luther the Rebel; Luthers Lieutenants ; The Swiss Response; The Radical Reformation; The English Compromise; Catholic Reform & Renewal; The Expanding Reformation ; The Reformation Overseas ; Texts & Studies; Index.

Author Description

Margaret L. King is Professor of History Emerita, Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She is editor-in-chief of the Renaissance and Reformation module of Oxford Bibliographies Online, and co-editor of the text series The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe.

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