Annette Journet Jaco has hosted many conferences and writer's meetings. She was inspired to write a book for writers. Do you like to write? This book is for you. An inspirational book for those who want to write down the vision and goals in their lives with the hopes of inspiring others to consider walking in their own vocation and calling. Do you long to release from the every day stresses of life? Keep a journal, write in your diary or write a book. Ask yourself: Do you want to be creative? Is it in your soul? Do you long to speak to others and inspire them? Writing can be a way to express yourself. Does your writing inspire you? Are you proud of it, and is it music to your ears? That's the important thing. Make sure you like it, before others like it. Once you realize this, just continue to inspire. Your writing will heal others. In this book you will learn to let go and to be positive and receive inner healing.
Writing As A Form Of Healing
Author Description
Annette Journet Jaco is a mother, author, speaker and advocate. She writes booklets, articles, testimonials and poetry. Annette has hosted writer's meetings and book discussions in her ministry and has an online writing blog. Her website is