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Author: Alice Piciocchi Andrea Angeli
Publisher: Sieveking Verlag
Publication Date: 09 Nov 2017
ISBN-13: 9783944874777
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Kiribati is an island nation in the vast blue of the Pacific Ocean. Composed of thirty-two atolls and three groups of islands,
Kiribati lies halfway between Hawaii and Australia. The largest and best-known of the many coral islands is Kiritimati, where
James Cook landed on December 24, 1777, which is why he called it 'Christmas Island'. In recent years the island world of Kiribati has achieved fame for the wrong reason: climate scientists have calculated that many of these atolls and the outer zones of the coral islands will sink into the ocean when sea levels rise as expected. When Alice Piciocchi and Andrea Angeli heard this, their desire to visit grew. Yet, instead of meeting desperate inhabitants sitting on their packed suitcases, they found people who had no intention of leaving. This book is a special kind of travel journal and a masterpiece of bibliophilism. The authors have succeeded in bringing us closer to the everyday culture and ideas of Kiribati's people, testifying to their deep connection to the ocean and the universe itself.

Author Description

Alice Piciocchi and Andrea Angeli share a passion for travel. The walls of their apartment are full of maps, the bookshelves
with travel books, and their Italian passports contain countless stamps from every country on Earth. What Alice captures in
words, Andrea tells in drawings. This young pair of artists presents us with a beautifully illustrated reading experience.

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