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The World of Nasrudin

The World of Nasrudin

Author: Idries Shah
Publisher: ISF Publishing
Publication Date: 01 Feb 2020
ISBN-13: 9781784792046
Bookstore 1


Nasrudin is the greatest of all Arab folk heroes, and is found across the Islamic World, from Morocco to Pakistan, and beyond. He is said to have been the wisest fool who ever lived - that is if he ever did live at all.
Stories of Nasrudin's many incarnations are studied by Sufis for their hidden wisdom, and are universally enjoyed for their humour. Sometimes Nasrudin is an impoverished itinerant or stallholder, and at others, he is the mayor, judge, vizier, or even the King.
The World of Nasrudin is the fourth book in the corpus written by Idries Shah, and is the last to be published by the celebrated Afghan author.

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