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Aperitif : A Spirited Guide to the Drinks, History and Culture of the Aperitif

Aperitif : A Spirited Guide to the Drinks, History and Culture of the Aperitif

Author: Kate Hawkings
Publisher: Quadrille Publishing Ltd
Publication Date: 04 Sep 2018
ISBN-13: 9781787131262
Bookstore 1


Forget the crass cocktail - the chic aperitif is the choice of the discerning drinker.
From Campari to Champagne via vermouth, pastis, sherry and much more, shrewd boozehounds are falling for the particular charms of the aperitif. Call them sharpeners, snifters, aperos or noggins, made light and gentle or strong and stiff, these are drinks to refresh the palate, gladden the heart and kick-start the appetite before lunch or dinner.
In Aperitif drinks writer Kate Hawkings romps through the history of how these drinks came into being across the great nations of Europe and beyond. Covering the key wines and spirits that are drunk as aperitifs - what each one is, what to look for and how best to serve it - Kate looks at all manner of booze, explaining the role that each has played in the development of aperitif culture.
With over 30 recipes plus many other easy-serve suggestions, Aperitif guides you through the wonderful world of this most civilised of drinking habits.

Author Description

Kate Hawkings has a monthly drinks column in Olive magazine, and has written on food, travel and interiors for publications including the Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Sunday Times, and Elle Deco. Kate is a restaurant and wine consultant and runs Bellita restaurant in Bristol.

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