"Baby Bjornstrand" tells the tale of Mickey, Marcel, and Cyril and their misadventures with an undeniably adorable and mysteriously menacing monster. A wasteland becomes fertile ground for fantasy as the book's graphite grotesqueries are brought to life by Renee French's adroit hand; her elegant shading seemingly wringing her wondrous worlds out of the page itself.Renee French has been making comics that revel in the killer side of cute and the horrors that lie within and without since the early '90s. Her past work includes "The Ticking" (Top Shelf Productions, 2006), "Micrographica" (Top Shelf Productions, 2007), "H Day" (PictureBox, 2010), and "Hagelbarger and That Nightmare Goat" (Yam Books, 2013).
Baby Bjornstrand
Author Description
Renee French has been making comics that revel in the killer side of cute and the horrors that lie within and without since the early 90s. Her past work includes "The Ticking" (Top Shelf Productions, 2006), "Micrographica" (Top Shelf Productions, 2007), "H Day" (PictureBox, 2010), "Bjornstrand" (PictureBox, 2012), and "Hagelbarger and That Nightmare Goat" (Yam Books, 2013). French also contributed illustrations to "The Adventure Time Encyclopaedia" (Abrams, 2013). In 2007 she was the recipient of the prestigious Inkpot Award, which is given out at Comic-Con International to individuals for their contributions to the worlds of comics and other genre-based art and entertainment.