People are paralyzed by fear today through loss of jobs, homes, retirement savings, not to mention terrorists, war, and extreme weather patters. Personal breakdowns and family breakups are all too common. Peace of mind is only a distant memory. "Allowing Your Fears to Transform You" teaches the reader to use their fears as tools for energy transformation and growth. This process takes a fresh look at embracing fears, teaching the reader how to transform their negative energies into positive life-changing energies.
Allowing Your Fears To Transform You : Learn how the process of embracing fears transforms your energy and your life!
Author Description
I've been through it all. Too many marriages, divorces, deaths, strained family relationships, illness, financial loss, depression. Need I go on? I've lived through it all even having my wheels fall off temporarily and ultimately emerged feeling more joy, peace, love and self-confidence than ever before. How did I do it and what did I learn? That's what this book is about. For those with open minds and a willingness to embrace change in how they live moment-to- moment, this can be life-changing. Don't blame me if your life doesn't change for the better. (Hint.) Blame is something that has to be given up. (Smile.)