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Cheating! for Boys Only (R)

Cheating! for Boys Only (R)

Author: Penelope Dyan
Publisher: Bellissima Publishing
Publication Date: 14 Dec 2018
ISBN-13: 9781614773757
Bookstore 1


It is never a good thing to cheat. And we should be careful whose example we follow when it comes to right and wrong; and that's because it is good to do right, and it is always bad to do what is wrong! Sometimes this might not be as easy to understand as it seems when people you might admire, or who you are supposed to admire, do things that don't seem quite right. In fact, when you see people that you are supposed to admire, or who you do admire, do things that seem to be wrong, it just might make you feel very confused.
Use this fun, 'learn to read' book written by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, that is filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, to practice your reading skills and to also think about this very important subject. And if you have any questions about things that are right and things that just may be wrong, you should talk to a trusted grown-up and get the truth on the matter!
When you are finished, you can go straight to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for a bit more Bellissima fun!

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