Spanning the period from the late nineteenth to the early twenty-first centuries, The Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology contains almost six hundred individually-signed entries from a global team of contributors and offers an important, and fascinating overview of the historical and contemporary reach of anthropological research.
Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Table of Contents
Abu-Lughod, Lila; Appadurai, Arjun; Archetti, Eduardo; Ardener, Edwin; Ardener, Shirley; Arensberg, Conrad M.; Arizpe, Lourdes; Arutyonov, Sergiej; Babcock, Barbara; Balandier, G.; Barbeau, Marius; Barley, Nigel; Baroja, Julio Caro; Bartolome, Leopoldo; Basso, Keith; Bastide, Roger; Bateson, Gregory; Bauman, Gerd; Bauman, Richard; Beattie, John; Beckett, Jeremy; Beidelman, Thomas; Beltran, Gonzalo Aguirre; Benedict, Ruth; Berlin, Brent; Berndt, Catherine Helen; Berndt, Ronald Murray; Bestard-Camps, Joan; Bibeau, Gilles; Blacking, John; Bloch, Maurice; Blok, Anton; Boas, Franz; Bogoraz-Tan, Valdimir; Boissevain, Jeremy; Bonfil Batalla, Guillermo; Borneman, John; Bright, William; Bromley, Yurij; Bruner, Edward; Bunzel, Ruth; Butovskaya, Marina; Carrier, James; Carrithers, Michael; Catedra, Maria; Chagnon, Napoleon; Clarke, Margaret; Clifford, James; Cohen, Anthony P.; Cohn, Bernard; Colson, Elizabeth; Conklin, Harold; Coppet, Daniel de; Corin, Ellen E.; Cushing, Frank; Czaplicka, Maria; DaMatta, Robert; Darnell, Regna; Das, Veena; De Laguna, Frederica; Densmore, Frances; Descola, Philippe; Dominguez, Virginia; Donnan, Hastings; Douglas, Mary; Dozier, Edward; Driessen, Henk; Du Bois, Cora; Duerr, Hans-Peter; Dumont, Louis; Dwyer, Kevin; Dyck, Noel; Eggan, Fred; Elkin, A.P.; Elwert, Georg; Epstein, A.L.; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland; Esterik, Penny van; Evans-Pritchard, Evans; Fabian, Johannes; Feit, Harvey; Ferguson, James; Fernea, Elizabeth Warnock; Firth, Raymond; Fishman, Joshua A.; Foner, Nancy; Fortes, Meyer; Foster, George; Frazer, James G.; Friedl, Ernestine; Frobenius, Leo; Frykman, Jonas; Fukui, Katsuyoshi; Gamio, Manuel; Geertz, Clifford; Gefou-Madianou, Dimitra; Gell, Alfred; Gellner, Ernest; Gennep, Arnold van; Geschiere, Peter; Gingrich, Andre; Ginsburg, Faye; Gledhill, John; Gluckman, Max; Godelier, Maurice; Good, Byron J.; Goodale, Jane; Griaule, Marcel; Gullestad, Marianne; Gulliver, Philip H.; Gupta, Akhil; Gurevich, Aron; Hallowell, A. Irving: Hammond-Tooke, David; Handelman, Don; Handler, Richard; Hann, Chris; Hannerz, Ulf; Harries-Jones, Peter; Helm, June; Hermitte, Esther; Herskovitz, Melville J.; Herzfeld, Michael; Heusch, Luc de; Hewitt, J.N.B.; Hill, Jane; Hoebel, E.A.; Holy, Ladislav; Howell, Signe; Hymes, Dell; Imanishi, Kinji; Ingold, Tim; Irimoto, Takashi; Izumi, Seiichi; Jakobson, Roman; James, Allison; James, Wendy; Jenness, Diamond; Jensen, Adolf E.; Kaberry, Phyllis; Kapferer, Bruce; Karp, Ivan; Keesing, Roger; Khazanov, Anatoly Michailovich; Kindaichi, Kyosuke; Klein, Alan M.; Kluckhohn, Clyde; Kon, Igor Semenovich; Kopytoff, Igor; Kramer, Fritz W.; Kroeber, Alfred; Kryukov, Mikhail; Kuper, Adam; Lamphere, Louise; Layton, Robert; Leach, Edmund R.; Lee, Richard B.; Leiris, Michel; Leslie, Charles; Levi-Strauss, Claude; Lewis, Oscar; Lindenbaum, Shirley; Linton, Ralph; Little, Kenneth; Llobera, Joseph; Lock, Margaret; Lofgren, Ovar; Lomnitz, Larissa; Lotman, Jurij; Lounsbury, Floyd; Lowie, R.H.; Luhrmann, Tanya M.; Lurie, N