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Author: Claire Chambers Nafhesa Ali Richard Phillips
Publisher: HopeRoad Publishing Ltd
Publication Date: 01 Dec 2020
ISBN-13: 9781916467194
Bookstore 1


Outsiders often expect Muslim women to be timid, conservative, or submissive, the reality is different. While some of these authors express a quiet piety and explore poignant situations, others use black humour and biting satire, or play with possibilities. Still others shade into the territory of a Muslim Fifty Shades of Grey, creating grey areas where the mainstream media sees only black and white. The stories also reflect on gender differences, lesbian desire,and many other subjects.

Table of Contents

Foreword;Introduction;The Cat That Came in with the Dark;Love Letter;Ghazal;Her Trials; Boneland;Tears and Tantrums;Waiting for the Bus;Marriage of Convenience; Rearranged;Peter Pochmann Goes to Dinner;Moments in Time;Frida's Breakfast;A Simple Nature;Proper and Perfect?; Acid Reflux;Heartbeat

Author Description

Claire Chambers teaches postcolonial literature the University of York. Her fascination with Muslim South Asia was sparked by a teenage year spent in Peshawar. Nafhesa Ali is a sociologist and the lead postdoctoral researcher for the Storying Relationship project at Sheffield University. She researches gender, age, the life course, and methods. Richard Phillips is a geographer and Storying Relationships' principal investigator at Sheffield University. His research interests include contemporary multiculturalism and the world after Empire. All three authors live in the UK.

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