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Tea and the Tea-Table in Eighteenth-Century England

Tea and the Tea-Table in Eighteenth-Century England

Author: Ben Dew
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Publication Date: 31 Jul 2010
ISBN-13: 9781848930254
Bookstore 1


This four-volume, reset collection takes as its starting point the earliest substantial descriptions of tea as a commodity in the mid-seventeenth century, and ends in the early nineteenth century with two key events: the discovery of tea plants in Assam in 1823, and the dissolution of the East India Company’s monopoly on the tea trade in 1833.

Table of Contents

Volume 1: Literary Representations of Tea and the Tea-Table (Editor: Markman Ellis) Nahum Tate, Panacea: a Poem upon Tea (1700); 'On Tea Tables and Visiting Days' (1707); Peter Anthony Motteux, A Poem upon Tea (1712); Letters for and against Tea-Drinking (1722); 'Discourse II. Of the Expensive Use of Drinking Tea' (1722); 'Discourse II. Melancholy Considerations of the Universal Poison' (1722); Allan Ramsay, The Tea-Table Miscellany (1723); Tea. A Poem. Or, Ladies into China-Cups (1729); James Bland, 'Of her Temperance' (1733); John Waldron, A Satyr against Tea (1733); Tea, a Poem. In Three Cantos (1743); John Lockman, To the Long-Conceal'd First Promoter of the Cambrick and Tea-Bills (1746); The Tea Drinking Wife, and Drunken Husband (1749); A New Tea-Table Miscellany (1750); George Colman, 'Number LX. Thursday, March 20, 1755. A Dialogue Between a Tea-Table and a Card-Table' (1755-6); 'Epistle XI. A Description of a Public Tea-Drinking' (1773); Timothy Touchstone, Tea and Sugar (1792); The Art of Making Tea, a Poem, in Two Cantos (1797); Hans Busk, 'The Tea' (1819) Volume 2: Tea in Natural History and Medical Writing (Editor: Richard Coulton) Thomas Garway, An Exact Description of the Growth, Quality and Vertues of the Leaf Tea ([c.1670]); Samuel Price, The Virtues of Coffee, Chocolette, and Thee or Tea ([c.1690]); J[ohn] Ovington, An Essay upon the Nature and Qualities of Tea (1699); Daniel Duncan, Wholesome Advice against the Abuse of Hot Liquors (1706); James Cuninghame, 'Part of Two Letters to the Publisher from Mr James Cunningham, F R S and Physician to the English at Chusan in China' (1707); The Volatile Spirit of Bohee-Tea ([c.1713]); Of the Use of Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, and Drams (1722); A Treatise on the Inherent Qualities of the Tea-Herb (1750); John Coakley Lettsom, The Natural History of the Tea-Tree (1772); Count Belchilgen and J A Cope, An Essay on the Virtues and Properties of the Ginseng Tea (1786); H Smith, 'An Essay on Foreign Teas' ([1795]); Jean-Baptiste Breton, 'Monkeys Gathering Tea' (1812); The History of the Tea Plant ([1819]) Volume 3: Tea, Commerce and the East India Company (Editor: Matthew Mauger) Humphrey Broadbent, The Domestick Coffee-Man, shewing the True Way of Preparing and Making of Chocolate, Coffee and Tea (1722); Great Britain, Commissioners of Excise, Instructions to be Observed by the Officers Employ'd in the Duty on Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate, in London (1724); The Case of the Dealers in Tea ([1736]); [Matthew Decker], Serious Considerations on the Several High Duties which the Nation in General (as well as it's Trade in Particular) Labours Under (1743); Considerations on the Duties upon Tea, and the Hardships suffer'd by the Dealers in that Commodity (1744); Jonas Hanway, 'Essay on Tea' (1756); Stephen Theodore Janssen, Smuggling Laid Open, in all its Extensive and Destructive Branches (1763); Pehr Osbeck, A Voyage to China and the East Indies (1771); The Chinese Traveller (1772); John Entick, 'Empire of China' (1774); [William Smith], Tsiology; a Discourse on Tea (1826) Volume 4: Tea and Politics: the Boston Tea Party (1773) and the Commutation Act (1784) (Editor: Ben Dew) The Present State of the English East-India Company's Affairs (1773); Boston, December 1, 1773, At a Meeting of the People of Boston, and the Neighbouring Towns, at Fancuil-Hall (1773); Boston, December 2, 1773. Whereas it has been Reported that a Permit will be given by the Custom-House for Landing the Tea now on Board a Vessel Laying in this Harbour (1773); Mechanic, To the Worthy Inhabitants of New-York (1773); Poplicola, To the Worthy Inhabitants of the City of New-York (1773); Christmas-Box for the Customers of the Pennsylvania Journal (1773); The Report of the Lords Committees (1774); Arthur Lee, A True State of the Proceedings in the Parliament of Great Britain and in the Province of Massachusetts Bay (1774); John Cartwright, American Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain (1774); An Impartial History of the War in America, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement to the End of the Year 1779 (1780); James Hawkes, A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party (1834); Association for the Protection of Trade against SMUGGLING of Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, and Cocoa Nuts, &c (1780); Advice to the Unwary: Or, an Abstract, of Certain Penal Laws now in Force against Smuggling in General (1780); Richard Twining, Observations on the Tea and Window Act, and on the Tea Trade (1784); Tim Twisting to Dick Twining; or, a Seaman to a Teaman (1785); A Narrative of the Conduct of the Tea-Dealers (1785); Francis Baring, The Principle of the Commutation-Act established by Facts (1786); Jona. Thompson, The Commutation-Act Candidly Considered (1786)

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