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Museum Art cards : Experience Art Like Never Before

Museum Art cards : Experience Art Like Never Before

Author: Lise Lotte ten Voorde Naomi Boas
Publisher: BIS Publishers B.V.
Publication Date: 10 Feb 2020
ISBN-13: 9789063695491
Bookstore 1


Besides the overwhelming amount of visual information that can stand in the way of a pleasant museum visit, there's another trivial matter: meaning. Many of us aim to understand and categorize everything we see, but what do you truly think when looking at a particular artwork? The activities on these cards help you to establish a connection with an artwork yourself, despite any given information. You can do this in each museum, anywhere in the world. Follow the activities from A-Z, choose one randomly or do the ones who appeal to you most.

Author Description

Lise Lotte ten Voorde works for FOMU, the Antwerp Museum of Photography. She also writes about art, photography and contemporary culture for clients such as Vrij Nederland, Charlie Magazine, De Online Gids, SMAK museum of contemporary Art in Ghent, NRC Next and various artists.

Naomi Boasis a Rotterdam based art historian specialised in 19th Century photography and art education.

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