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Granny NeatFreak

Granny NeatFreak

Author: Carolee O'Neill
Publisher: Carolee Collectables
Publication Date: 05 Jan 2018
ISBN-13: 9781947573017
Bookstore 1


The TaleGranny NeatFreak is a delightful comedy about a little old lady who nurtures an extreme passion for neatness. She lives in her own world as she naively enjoys her obsession until she encounters an opposing force that steers her toward reality. Granny finally sees the futility of it all and resigns herself to enjoy nature on its terms and not on her own. The reader will recognize how being concerned about the petty things keeps us from enjoying life's true ride. Carolee's books have been handcrafted from cover to cover. Three of her five children's books are paired to offer the unique concept of "Adult Fairy Tales." They are Goodie RudeShoes, Series One, Billy BitterBetter, Series Two and Granny NeatFreak. Whether read to a child or by an adult, the illustrations will bring delight with a smile and the opportunity to share simple values that have been forgotten with the passage of time.Her children's books are: Goodie RudeShoes: Series One, children 5 to 100. Billy Bitter Better: Series Two, children 5 to 100.Granny NeatFreak: children 4 to 100.The Mouse House: children 4 to 100.That Secret Part of Me: children 3 to 100.Her other works consist of a variety of genre. From Silly to Sinister: Short Stories for teen and adults. Book One, and Two. Navigating the Potholes of Life: Fiction for teens and adults. based on a true story. adventure, comedy, drama. A Reason to Dream: Fiction for teens and adults. The following book has three variations. The Graduation: A stand-alone novel for teens and adults. The Graduation with the Study Guide for parents with teens and teens. The Graduation Study Guide for those who prefer to have it separably.Fiction for the parent with teens, teens and adults. With God in Mind: Thought that inspire Prose for teens and adults. Available on Amazon's Kindle as an ebook, Thank you for your interest in my work.

Author Description

Stepping out of her safety zone, Carolee went to college at age thirty-six to obtain a baccalaureate degree in nursing, graduating magna cum laude. Mentored by a college professor and his wife, she set her sights to obtain her degree in four years while she raised her five children. Her mentors' favorite distraction during that period sounded something like this, "keep your eyes on the end of the tunnel." The light slowly got brighter as Carolee approached graduation and she grew in understanding and self-worth. Her nursing career awarded her many opportunities to broaden her horizons as she worked on a surgical floor, lectured for the hospital's Wellness Program, became a Director of Nursing, Director of In-service and an Infection Control Practitioner. However, the inherited entrepreneurial blood ran deep in her heart and she left nursing and opened Carolee Realty Group to continue to serve the needs of others. After nine years of success, her husband was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). Unable to meet the demands of her career and be a full-time caregiver, she closed her brokerage and began to paint her watercolor illustrations and handcrafted her works. After her husband passed, she decided to travel at age sixty- eight. She purchased a thirty-two foot motor home and towed her car thirty-five thousand miles cross-country to promote her work. Her grown children gasped, "You're going to do what?" The voyage turned into the comedy of a lifetime, meeting only one turkey and thousands of eagles. Other interests are family happenings, singing (when no one is listening), playing piano, reading, computer games, and walking. Her strength of character and her belief in God are evident throughout all of her manuscripts. Carolee's has five children's and eight other books on a variety topics, including a devotional. She has handcrafted her children's books to offer the unique concept of Adult Fairy Tales. Whether read to a child or by an adult, the illustrations will bring delight with a smile and the opportunity to share simple values that have been forgotten with the passage of time. All of Carolee's book have been handcrafted cover to cover, including the painting of the watercolor illustrations. Thank you for your interest.

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