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Team Code of Honor : The Secrets of Champions in Business and in Life

Team Code of Honor : The Secrets of Champions in Business and in Life

Author: Blair Singer
Publisher: RDA Press, LLC
Publication Date: 18 Sep 2012
ISBN-13: 9781937832124
Bookstore 1


Every great team, culture, society, religion or business that has endured time, adversity and challenge has always had one thing in common: a set of simple but powerful rules that govern the internal behaviors and expectations of that group. It is called The Code of Honor. We hear of these Codes when we think of things like The Ten Commandments, the Marine Corps or the Constitution. Yet if sales is the number one skill in business, number two has to be the ability to bring ordinary people together to build a championship team. This does not happen by chance or by the simple accumulation of talent. The Code is the core ingredient to creating winning organizations. The book is a step-by-step guide for any individual, group or company to actually create a Code of Honor specific to their team. The Rich Dad Poor Dad Advisor series was designed as a "how-to" series to empower individuals to succeed in the world of business and finance. "Team Code of Honor" is critical to this series because its processes bridge all facets of business, investment, entrepreneurship and even personal life.
The book explains through graphic examples, stories and numerous case studies how a Code or set of rules is created, maintained, enforced and used for rapid and controlled growth of any entity. The book is designed as an operating manual for putting any business team together. It steps you all the way from properly choosing players, to creating the Code, to increasing performance and to winning. Each chapter gives the team specific assignments and examples so that by the time you have completed the book, your Code is in place and your team is operating at a true championship level.

Table of Contents

Foreword The Four Most Important Business Skills an Entrepreneur Must Have by Robert Kiyosaki Introduction The Code of Honor Chapter One Why Do You Need a Code of Honor? Chapter Two Who You Surround Yourself With Will Determine Your Wealth and Success--Who's on the Team? Chapter Three Creating a Code of Honor That Brings Out the Best Chapter Four What's Your Personal Code? Chapter Five How to Enforce the Code to Ensure Championship Play Chapter Six Leadership That Teaches Others How to Be Great Chapter Seven The Biggest Impact of the Code Chapter Eight Ensuring Accountability, Loyalty and Trust Chapter Nine Standing in the Heat with the Code Conclusion It's Time for You to Have a Code of Honor

Author Description

For more than two decades, Blair Singer has empowered people around the world to go beyond their ordinary selves and reach peak performance rightfully earning him a worldwide reputation as an expert in sales, business and personal growth. A dynamic, in-demand public speaker, trainer and coach, Singer has the unique ability to get people and organizations to shake up the status quo, change behaviors and achieve unprecedented results. Spanning 20 countries on five continents his clients range from Fortune 100 companies to small business owners, entrepreneurs, sales teams and just regular folks while his programs touch hundreds of thousands of people globally each year. He applies the same tried and true principals that work for big corporations and successful entrepreneurs to the Business of Everyday Life helping individuals hungry for greater success. As one of Robert Kiyosaki's original Rich Dad Advisors, Singer imparts two of the most critical skills and elements for success in business (and in life): being able to sell your idea, dream or concept and to build a great team to deliver it. His unique slant however is that the road to success is paved through personal development and knowing how to overcome the limitations and obstacles that arise both personally and within groups. He is the author of three best-selling books: SalesDogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode your Income; The Team Code of Honor, and his latest book, "Little Voice Mastery: How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 seconds or Less -- and Have an Extraordinary Life!". Singer is co-founder and CEO of SalesPartners Worldwide(TM), a dynamic sales and personal growth training company deployed in over fifteen countries made up of professional mentors and business builders who work one-on-one with businesses and corporations to help them achieve double-digit growth in any economy. Around the world, he is considered the "teacher of teachers" in the world of personal development training and business education having created hundreds of training programs and trained thousands of individuals worldwide to replicate their expertise using his unique brand of high impact teaching methodology. "While working with Blair we increased our insurance premium sales by over 600 million dollars while more than doubling our recruiting efforts..." -Jason Tyne, World Financial Group Blair Singer is a great communicator, a great teacher and a great human being. Like he says, when it comes to winning, it's all about mastering your "Little Voice." -Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad, author, teacher and entrepreneur

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