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How to Be Free from Depression

How to Be Free from Depression

Author: Bioluminescent Drea
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: 10 Sep 2020
ISBN-13: 9798684904165
Bookstore 1


Depression is a true pandemic of our world and has probably affected humans since the dawn of humanity. We are afraid of pandemics that can kill us physically, but we forget that mental pandemics, which make us live in constant pain, are even worse since that kind of illness debilitates us and makes our existence harmful both to ourselves and others. Indeed, this kind of existence is nothing but prolonged torture both for us and those around us.
It seems to me that the more developed the brain is, the more depressed we become, which has something to do with our consciousness or self-awareness. Humans, compared to other living things, have more developed and sophisticated brains. However, there is a significant trade-off for having more evolved and complex brains: Other than our physical needs, we also have spiritual needs. This is why throughout the history of mankind, we always have some forms of religion and rituals in our society. We seem to explicitly need something much more than just to survive physically.
When our spiritual needs are not met, we will not feel fulfilled, and, somehow, we will feel dissatisfied and empty; that's when depression is triggered. Generally speaking-although it might seem oversimplified-when we don't find the meaning/sense of our existence, we cannot be happy or fulfilled.
Since depression is directly related to our attitudes and how we see ourselves, our lives, and the world around us as well as our concepts of happiness; the book will focus on analyzing and examining our attitudes and our sets of values that can bring about all types of unhappiness including depression.
I have been driven by All-encompassing Love to write books because I sincerely want to see all of us find true happiness and live together in peace and harmony. What's more, as a survivor of complex trauma who has managed to find inner peace and true happiness on Earth, I believe I am entitled to share my practical knowledge with all of you. By true happiness, I mean I am happy wherever I am and enjoy whatever I do (or have to do) and I am completely happy both alone and with others every single day; inside of me, I have found a Home/Haven.
Nothing in this book is just a theory since I have written all my self-help books based on my direct experiences and real-life practice which helps relieve me of my suffering. I can assure you that with the right attitudes/mindsets together with the mental properties (to be mentioned in this book), you will heal yourself from any mental pain.
When you manage to cultivate selflessness and make it become your predominant mental state, any wounds-no matter how serious they are-can be healed. With the right properties of mind, you will build resilience and your internal sanctuary as well as the most benevolent friend within and inner peace.
Based on my personal experience as a survivor of complex trauma, I can assure you that we can heal ourselves and eventually find peace and comfort inside of us. While I have never been afraid of death/dying, I used to be petrified of life/living. Once I have found inner peace and the sanctuary within I have never suffered from loneliness nor depression nor anxiety, and I wholeheartedly hope that you will also find yours.

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