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The Well Trained Human : A Manual For All Dogs

The Well Trained Human : A Manual For All Dogs

Author: Vicky S Kaseorg
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date: 31 Dec 2012
ISBN-13: 9781481877107
Bookstore 1


Finally, an authoritative manual with step by step instructions for the conscientious canines who want to train their humans properly. Every dog who is considering a human of his own, needs to read this book! Without fail, Tommy's advice will produce a happy healthy and well-trained human. Even the spiritual development of your human is thoughtfully examined and considered. No dog should even think of trying to co-habit with a human before reading this book. Tommy, born blind and deaf, has an almost eerie grasp and understanding of human behavior. While this may be the funniest book you will read this year, it will also make you think seriously about how we treat each other, and our dogs.

Author Description

Kaseorg, born in Pennsylvania in 1956, studied art and writing at Binghamton University, and became a professional artist early in her career. She went on to graduate school at USC Los Angeles where she studied Occupational Therapy. She owned her own Occupational Therapy practice for many years in NY, and with the birth of her prodigiously giftted first son, began homeschooling. She has bicycled across the USA, run a marathon, completed a biathalon, learned to ski at age 50, successfully graduated two of her three children to prestigious universities, yet still feels the most difficult task she has ever had to accomplish "is living a consistent, righteous life before God and my family." She is the published author of I'm Listening with A Broken Ear (published July 2011), which has been a top ten dog training best seller for 18 months on Amazon ebooks. Her second book, God Drives a Tow Truck was published in February 2012 and within the first weeks of publication had 25,000 downloads. When released, it was the top best seller in the Angel category and remains in the top ten in its genre on the Amazon E-book list. While clearly spiritual in nature, she wrote both books with the desire that the books be accessible to believers and non-believers. Her books are spiced with humor throughout, as she recognizes " that life is very hard. If one doesn't seek the humor in how miserable and weak we humans tend to be, we would spend most of our hours weeping. Laughter is a gift of God." Following her two non-fiction adult books, she published three illustrated books, designed for children and adults alike- Tommy: A story of Ability, The Good Parent, and The Illustrated 23rd Psalm. Turning Points- the Life of a WWII Milne Bay Gunner was published in Oct. 2012. Her latest book, The Well-Trained Human is a hilarious satire that reminds us all of what matters most in life. Family members and friends used to chide Vicky for "seeing God in everything", when she would squeeze out a biblical message in not only the common-place events of her day, but in secular movies, books, and activities. With the rescue of the dog that led to her first book, Vicky realized that perhaps this tendency of hers was not a flaw. Perhaps it could even be used to help others find that God was indeed speaking to them...had always been speaking to them. To this end, she also is going on her third year of writing a daily inspirational blog, which she illustrates, at vickykaseorg.blogspot.com.

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