If you're looking for a great introduction to golf for junior golfers, this is it. If you're a parent who loves the game or a coach who trains jr. golfers, this is a great selection.A second grader sets out to teach his little brother, Kendall, a new sport. With his poet and author mother, this fun and exciting book was created.Young readers will be intrigued by the rhyme and rhythm with which the sport is introduced. The authors introduce young readers to golf equipment, golf safety, and the idea of putting around.Enhance any young reader's knowledge of the sport as well as their vocabulary with this Dr. Seuss styled, fun-to-read book that kids will absolutely enjoy.This book reads easily, and the pictures are colorful and real. Your jr. golfer will want to read it over and over again.
Kendall's Golf Lesson
Author Description
C. JEROME FAISON, II is a military child. His early interest in golf led him to create the idea and story for this book when he was in the second grade. Jerome, now a teenager, enjoys playing basketball and playing drums. KENDALL FAISON, also a military child, became the main character, student subject, and co-illustrator of this book when he was in the first grade. Kendall enjoys academics, basketball, baseball, and volunteering in his school, church, and community. Amazon and Kindle best selling author, LATORIAL FAISON, is an American poetry writer. She has authored nine books including I am Woman, Secrets of My Soul, Immaculate Perceptions, flesh, and the 28 Days of Poetry Celebrating Black History series of books. Faison has been published across the United States and in various countries in literary journals, magazines, anthologies, websites, and news outlets. Faison is a graduate of the University of Virginia and VA TECH. Visit her online at www.latorialfaison.com.