The 15th to 18th centuries were a period of witchcraft prosecutions throughout Europe. This volume attempst to summarise the history of the trials in a new way - according to the types of legal systems involved. It also examines the continued practical use made of magic, the elaboration of demonological theories about witchcraft and magic, and the further development of scientific interests in natural magic through the 'Neoplatonic' and 'Hermetic' period. Amongst the topics included here are superstition and belief in high and popular culture, the place of medicine, witchcraft survivals in art and literature, and the survival of persecution.
Athlone History of Witchcraft and Magic in Europe
Table of Contents
Witch-Trials In Continental Europe 1560-1660; The Great Persecutions In Northern Europe 1450-1700; Witchcraft And Magic In Early Modern Culture - Popular Magic, Demonology, Intellectual Magic.