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Author: Lani Yamamoto Lluisa Moreno Llort
Publisher: Blume
Publication Date: 28 Sep 2005
ISBN-13: 9788498010107
Bookstore 1

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On a rainy day, after Albert has finished playing all his games, he looks out of the window and starts to wonder: "If I am in my house, and my house is in the street, near the park, in the town, and the town in is in the country, in the world, in the universe, then what is the universe in? "With wit and simplicity this delightful book uses Albert's curiosity to introduce children to the concept of infinity and the most basic questions of philosophy. Cuando vuelve a llover, Alberto mira por la ventana y se pregunta a si mismo: "Si yo estoy en mi casa, y mi casa esta en una calle en el pueblo, y el pueblo esta en un pais en el mundo, y el mundo esta en el universo, entonces, donde esta el universo? "Con simplicidad y gracia este libro encantador usa la curiosidad de Alberto para introducir el concepto de infinidad y las cuestiones basicas de la filosofia a lectores jovenes.

Author Description

Lani Yamamoto is the author and illustrator of Albert 2 and Albert 3.

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