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Kids Champions : Handbook for Parents

Kids Champions : Handbook for Parents

Author: Mervy Ines Farfan Rishing Mervy Farfan
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication Date: 08 Jan 2023
ISBN-13: 9798373000888
Bookstore 1


Kids Champions - Handbook for Parents
This book was written to help many parents with the purpose of guiding the MODERN present, with the changes, deficiencies and being able to balance emotions or energies and, at the same time, guide the behavioral process of our children with a lot of love and authority.
An important point in this manual is to work with the game for mimicry, teaching them that playing everything, you learn better.
Thinking of the next generations that will be the new society of the world, the citizens of the future.
Experiences, experiences and wisdom gives you the mother of three girls author, a legacy of life that I traveled through many towns in Latin America.
This basic reading for pregnant mothers, young fathers, single mothers, teenagers, and people who like to read, we always learn something new.
As they grow, our children display behaviors and attitudes related to the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development changes they are experiencing.
This implies understanding the behavior of each stage of your children, we give you some games, and recognition for their adaptation in the new world that they will have to discover, prepare them for life with independence, security, values, character and projection of the future.
Parenting is not easy today, with the responsibility of parents' jobs and schedules outside the home, they cause some emotional imbalances in children due to their very absence.
In an effort to fulfill conscious roles, parents must be convinced of the mission that is up to them in the upbringing and education of their children, know the abilities and skills to repotentiate and strengthen habits, including sports, physical activity and make a whole being. .
Educating children who are smarter, healthier, more thoughtful, affectionate, and happy champions, school helps, but the best is the example at home, controlled technology, authority, creating tasks, directing, and promoting obedience.
The family nucleus transmits the first thing in this educational, communicative and normative upbringing process. It is the relationship with the environment in which the child lives and this will reflect what she will have and will be throughout her life.
What is happening with today's parents and what are we doing wrong?
Are we emotionally prepared to raise our children?
How to educate a child to be autonomous?
Did you know that loved children become adults who know how to love?
How were you raised, is this how you are raising your children?
Are parents educating children in values and example?
What are you willing to do to change some mistakes?
We need to do more to have the opportunity to integrate adults who want to renew the world to which we belong.
Training a strong and powerful being depends on you, me and everyone else.
Finally, only one question remains: Are you ready to be parents?
The job of parents is not to raise perfect children, but to raise independent, conscious, respectful human beings who know how to fight for their dreams.

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