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Working Cities : Architecture, Place and Production

Working Cities : Architecture, Place and Production

Author: Howard Davis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Publication Date: 08 Jan 2020
ISBN-13: 9781138328662
Bookstore 1


Cities have historically supported production, commerce, and consumption, all central to urban life. But in the contemporary Western city, production has been hidden or removed, and commerce and consumption have dominated. This book is about the importance of production in the life of the city, and the relationships between production, architecture, and urban form. It answers the question: What will cities be like when they become, once again, places of production and not only of consumption?
Through theoretical arguments, historical analysis, and descriptions of new initiatives, Working Cities: Architecture, Place and Production argues that contemporary cities can regain their historic role as places of material production—places where food is processed and things are made. The book looks toward a future that builds on this revival, providing architectural and urban examples and current strategies within the framework of a strong set of historically-based arguments.
The book is illustrated in full colour with archival and contemporary photographs, maps, and diagrams especially developed for the book. The diagrams help illustrate the different variables of architectural space, urban location, and production in different historical eras and in different kinds of industries, providing a compelling visual understanding for the reader.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Beyond the city as object PART 1: THE EVOLUTION OF PRODUCTION SPACE 1. Typologies of capital and control 2. Pre-industrial workshops 3. Factory zones 4. Cities adrift 5. New work in old cities PART 2: THE VITALITY OF CITY LIFE 6. Production and urban complexity 7. The terroir of things 8. Including the maker 9. 'One great workshop': a new industrial urbanism PART 3: MAKING SPACE FOR PRODUCTION 10. Design and policy for the new working city Conclusion: The city in 2050 Bibliography Index

Author Description

Howard Davis is Professor of Architecture at the University of Oregon. His research is concerned with the relationships between architecture and the contemporary city, focusing on how the form of the city and the architecture of its buildings help enable diversity, economic and cultural sustainability, and resilience. Through his teaching of design studios, lecture courses, and seminars that examine architectural contexts of culture and place, his students view architecture as strongly anchored in the worlds of people, cultures, and geography.
Howard Davis has been on the faculty at the University of California, Berkeley; Edinburgh University; the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexico; the Bartlett School of Architecture in London; and the School of Planning and Architecture in New Delhi. His first book, The Culture of Building, was named "Best Work in Architecture and Urban Studies" by the Association of American Publishers in 2000. He was named Distinguished Professor of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture in 2009, and received the University of Oregon's Thomas F. Herman Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2011.

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