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The Divided Berlin 1945-1990 : The Historical Guidebook

The Divided Berlin 1945-1990 : The Historical Guidebook

Author: Oliver Boyn
Publisher: Christoph Links Verlag
Publication Date: 01 Jan 2012
ISBN-13: 9783861536130
Bookstore 1


Following the end of World War II, Berlin became a bone of contention between the former allies of USA, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union. The construction of the Berlin Wall before the whole world in August 1961 cemented the division of the city, which had already begun with its division into four sectors in 1945, and which would only end with German reunification in 1990. For more than four decades Berlin was the ultimate symbol of the Cold War.
Oliver Boyn shows where the political decision makers operated and where spies were exchanged, where the Wall ran and where the centres of propaganda were, where monuments were built and which memorials commemorate that period.
Folding maps and more than 160 photographs help those in search of traces of this time.

Author Description

Boyn, Oliver
Jahrgang 1972; 1993-2000 Studium der Politikwissenschaft, Geschichte und Geographie an der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität in Oldenburg; lebt seit 2001 in Berlin; 2002-2004 Mitarbeiter bei der Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur; neben seiner Tätigkeit als Autor engagiert er sich für die Interessengemeinschaft Historische Friedhöfe Berlin.

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