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Visual Consulting : Designing and Leading Change

Visual Consulting : Designing and Leading Change

Author: David Sibbet Gisela Wendling
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Publication Date: 30 Oct 2018
ISBN-13: 9781119375340
Bookstore 1


Visualization-in your own imagination, on the wall, and with media-supports any consultant who is learning to design and facilitate transformational change, leadership development, stakeholder involvement processes, and making sense of complex challenges. This book, from leaders in the field, shows you how. Building on Peter Block's Flawless Consulting, it explains how to visually contract and scope work, gather data, provide feedback, plan interventions, implement, and support on-going sustainability in organizational and community settings.
Unlike Block's work, Visual Consulting addresses the challenging problems of guiding organizational and social change processes that involve multiple levels and types of stakeholders, with interests in both local and global environments. It demonstrates how visualization and design thinking can be used to get more creative and productive results that are "owned" by everyone. The practices described apply to organizational as well as diverse, cross-boundary consulting projects. In this book, you will. . .

Learn powerful visual tools for all key stages of the consulting process, including marketing your services
Understand the predictable challenges of change and how to successfully guide organizations and communities through them
Learn how to collaborate with clients to get sustainable results
Find tools for using visualization comprehensively, for both inner and outer work
Successfully guide change in both organizations and communities
The fourth installment in the Visual Facilitation series, this book teaches you how to activate the full range of visual tools, methods, and models to support stepping into successful, contemporary consulting relationships.

Table of Contents

Part I. Imagining Visual Consulting
Jumping Into the Flow
1. The Potential of Visual Consulting 3
Integrating Methods to get Results
Bringing Together the Fields of Visual Facilitation, Dialogue & Change/ Best Practices from the California Roundtable on Water & Food Supply/ Getting Started at UC Merced/ Ways to Begin Developing Skills.
2. What Kind of Consultant Are You? 15
A Collaborative Engagement Framework
Types of Change/ Are You an Expert, Pair-of-Hands, or Process Consultant?/ What is Elevation & Subordination?/ Visual Consulting at UC Merced/ Testing Respectful Engagement at the Organization Development Conference/ Traps & m Shadow Sides
3. Capabilities You'll Need 33
Focus on the Fundamentals
The Four Flows of Process-Attention, Energy, Information & Operations/ Use of Self/ Visualization Capabilities Needing Attention/ Practices for Dialogue, Visualization, Change & Use of Self
Part II. Visualizing Change
Helping Clients Look Ahead
4. Finding & Contracting Clients 53
Succeeding at Initial Meetings
Starting a Project at UC Merced/ Using Visuals to Demonstrate Competency/ Mapping the Challenge/ Creating Value Propositions/ Finding Clients/ Initial Client Meetings/ Questions to Ask/ Contracting & Proposals/ Visual Consulting Practices/ Drafting Roadmaps
5. Basic Patterns of Change 73
Navigating Between Old & New
Research on Change/ Identifying your Changes/Traditional Rites of Passages/ Liminal Pathways Framework/ Phases of Change-Separation, Liminality, Integration/ Roles-Persons in Transition, Change Agent, Communitas, Community/ Becoming Masters of Change.
6. Seven Challenges of Change 91
Seeing Repeating Patterns
Integrating Liminal Pathways and The Grove Model of Change/ The Seven Challenges of Change/ Looking at Visual Models/ Mapping to the Four Flows/ Visualizing Nesting/ The Full Framework.
Part III. Visual Consulting Practices
Responding to Change Challenges (CC)
7.Activating Awareness 103
Recognizing the Need to Change
Assessing Where You Are in Change/ What is Change Management?/ Working Consciously with Metaphors/ Mapping Your Change Challenge/ Inner Process Dynamics of Surprise, Numbness, Hope & Preparedness / Outer Structures-1. Scan for System Needs/ 2. Map Drivers of Change/ 3. Identify Stakeholders/ 4. Interview for Discovery/ 5. Understand & Cultivate Readiness
8. Engaging Leaders of Change 121
The Role of Process Design Teams
Facing Uncertainty, Fear & Feelings/ UC Merced Case/ Outer Structures-1. Recruiting a Process Design Team/ 2. Contract with Leaders/ 3.Create a Safe Environment for Exploration/Initiate a Collaboration Backbone, Roadmaps/ 5. Set Patterns & Pace
9. Creating & Sharing Opportunities 141
Designing Approaches, Strategy & Visions
Attending to Assumptions, Resistance, Empathizing, Imagining Possibilities/ Dialogic OD Examples/ Design Thinking/ Outer Structures-1. Refine a Case for Change/ 2. Clarify Approach & Theory of Change-Levels of Intervention Systemic Analysis/ 3. Create a Strong Container/ 4. Visualizing Possibilities, Visions, & Scenarios.
10.Stepping Into a New Shared Vision 169
Committing to Real Change
Reconnecting with Purpose, Holding Complexity, Crossing the Threshold & Letting Go-Letting Come/ Non-objective Aspects of Visioning/ Outer Structures -1. Generate New Images & UC Merced Visioning/ 2. Make Tough Decisions & The DLR Group/ 3.Invite Explicit Commitment/ 4. Identify Initiatives, & The Cal Poly Case/ 5. Determine Resources.
11.Empowering Visible Action 195
Involving New Leaders
Time for a Baton Pass?/ Supporting Emergence/ Learning From New Experience/ Taking Enough Time/ Outer Structures-1. Communicate & Visualize Early Wins & College of Business Administration Case/ 2. Sustain a Clear Rhythm & the RE-AMP Case/ Support New Leaders & Work Groups/ 4. Build Capacity & Large Scale Visioning/ 5. Facilitate Learning Processes.
12.Integrating Systemic Change 211
Take On New Processes & Behavior
The Icberg Model of Systems/ Persisting Courageously/ Clearing Old Habits/ Nurturing New Patterns/ Outer Structures-1. Amplify Success/ 2. Clear Blocks/ 3. Redesign Processes & Otis Spunkmeyer ERP/ 4. Incent New Behavior & Evolve New Rituals.
13.Sustaining Long-Term 225
Evolving a New Culture
A Culture Model of Change/ Rituals Mark Movement/ Savoring the Gifts of Change/ Living with Impermanence/ Discerning Types of Change/ Outer Structures-1. Evolve the Culture & The Challenge of New Methods/ /Celebrate Completions/ Invest in Renewal/ Maintain & Refine
Part IV. Expanding Your Resources
Continuing the Journey
14. Towards Mastery 243
Purpose, Practice & Passion
Work with Purpose & Intent/ Visual Practice is Growing/ Visual Consulting as a Path to Integrated Practice/ Combining Fields as a Path to Mastery/ Places to Start/Start with Little Things/ Recognizing Crucibles/ Evolving New Cultures in Europe/ The Global Learning & Exchange Network (GLEN)
Appendix 253
Arthur M. Young's Theory of Process 254
Bibliography 255
Index 263

Author Description

DAVID SIBBET is a world leader in visual facilitation and process leadership. He is the founder and CEO of The Grove Consultants International and is known globally for creating leading-edge process consulting tools for visualization, team performance, strategic visioning, and organizational transformation.
GISELA WENDLING, PhD., is vice president of Global Learning at The Grove and codirector of the Global Learning & Exchange Network (GLEN). Her extensive experience in OD, dialogic practice, and learning from indigenous peoples about change is supporting new understanding about the potential of visual consulting.

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