In 2011, an ER physician predicted "a slow and miserable death" for my son within hearing range of the hospital staff. Moments later she returned to his bedside and whispered, "Although I am Chinese I am a western educated doctor, so I will deny ever saying this. Get out of western medicine. This course of treatment is going to kill you. You must find an eastern trained practitioner who can help you get the heavy metal poisons out of you." Turning to go, she said, "I will get your discharge paperwork. There is nothing more we can do for you here." As I wheeled my dying thirty-four-year-old son through the emergency room doors, a young nurse came up behind us and furtively handed my son a folded piece of paper. She said, "Don't open this until you are outside. Please don't get me fired."Finally, in 2014 after saving his life through non-traditional treatments, nutritional supplements, life style changes and whole foods, I began to do my research to find out where a person can come in contact with so many metals. What I discovered is stunning.With the death clock ticking, this medical mystery took over my entire life while it consumed my son with riveting pain. At the beginning, doctor after doctor started with the same promise: "I will make you well. Do everything I say. Take all my prescriptions." After six months, each of them diagnosed depression with anxiety disorder causing psychotic pain. They suggested mental help. When we left the western medical system, my son was taking more than fifteen different pharmaceutical drugs two to three times a day.I asked, "What came first, the painful symptoms, or the anxiety and depression? He was never like this before two long years of painful symptoms and debilitating exhaustion."With twenty-six heavy metals in his body, my son's liver was dying and his adrenal glands had stopped functioning. His intestines had microscopic holes in them and he suffered from leaky gut syndrome. Equally stunning, as my son detoxified and removed the toxins from his body, some lifelong problems - such as auditory processing disability - have vanished. This is our story.