Children need to believe their future is bright. The more disappointments they don't recover well from, the less likely they are to dream. When they do not process challenging experiences well it can lead to defeat, rather than encourage them to grow and mature. Far too many children don't grasp their strengths and, as a result do not believe they can overcome negative encounters. Apathy sets in. Discouragement persists. Arguments rage. Mental health suffers. Children need to be resilient and when they develop this ability and make wise choices it becomes part of their character. Furthermore, they need parents who help them to learn from negative experiences and who allow them a certain measure of struggle. In Resilient Kids moms and dads will learn the power and purpose of resilience and how to parent so as to make it more likely their children will utilize this character quality.
Raising Resilient Kids
Author Description
DR. KATHY KOCH ("cook"), is the founder of Celebrate Kids, Inc., based in Fort Worth, Texas, and Ignite the Family, their conference ministry. She has influenced thousands of parents, teachers, and children in thirty countries through keynote messages, seminars, chapels, banquet talks, and other events. She is a regular speaker for Care Net, Summit Ministries, the Colson Center, and Teach Them Diligently. She is also a popular guest on Focus on the Family radio, she was featured in Kirk Cameron's movie, Connect, and she has published five books with Moody Publishers.