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Granta 80 : The Group

Granta 80 : The Group

Author: Ian Jack
Publisher: Granta Books
Publication Date: 09 Jan 2003
ISBN-13: 9780903141567
Bookstore 1


Everybody has been a reluctant or willing member of one: the family, the school, the football side, the quiz team, the once-faithful friends who met in a bar every Friday at five. Group photographs are their souvenir - frozen moments of a previous way of living, and of liking or disliking the people who shared it. In this issue of Granta magazine, writers take out their group photographs and evoke the sometimes uncomfortable times, places and people they used to know. It also includes new fiction and reportage from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Author Description

Ian Jack edited Granta from 1995 to 2007, having previously edited the Independent on Sunday. He has written on many subjects, including the Titanic, Kathleen Ferrier, the Hatfield train crash and the three members of the IRA active-service unit who were killed on Gibraltar. He is the editor of The Granta Book of Reportage and The Granta Book of India, and the author of a collection of journalism, The Country Formerly Known as Great Britain. He is working, not very quickly, on a book about the River Clyde.

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