If you can FEEL IT you can HEAL IT!, explains what anger is all about; the solidification of the emotional body, the benefits of pain, and most importantly the N.O.W. (Nature's Own Way) method of healing.
The author explains if you watch infants or any young children, when they are upset and can't deal with anymore emotional/stress, they will release and you clearly will see and know how the process of N.O.W.works.
Feelings are energies and energies that remain in the body create toxins. When too many toxins build up in the body something is going to give; mental, emotional or physical. When any or all of these bodies are in disarray there is pain and where there is pain dis/ease occurs. There are many simple exercises that can help you through past and present emotional issues/situations.
If you can feel it you can heal it
Author Description
David Berger, author and Intuitive facilitator uses his intuition and understanding of many modalities to assist others in their healing process. David has worked with psychologists, PH.D's, Doctors of Oriental medicine, psychiatrists, shamans, naturopathic doctors, medical doctors and many more. Valuable assets, nothing surpasses the hands-on experience of life itself. To know is to experience and we experience life through our feelings.