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Infurior Magic

Infurior Magic

Author: Paula Lester
Publisher: Paula Lester
Publication Date: 02 Jun 2022
ISBN-13: 9798201011833
Bookstore 1

Sale Stores

Infurior Magic


Ivy Patterson's life is cruising along better than ever. She moved home to Aurum Falls, Michigan, took over her late uncle's produce market, and is even dabbling in magic. Yep, she's a new witch at forty and feeling pretty special about it.
See, it's a big deal to be learning witchy stuff because Ivy's mother cut her off from it decades ago, saying the magic Ivy possessed was dark and dangerous.
But the thing is that Uncle Vincent had dark power too, and he seemed to find a way around it to build up a side hustle, using magic to solve problems for folks around town and keeping the market afloat with the extra money.
Ivy takes a job through the back door of the secret magic room too because...hello! The market really does need a boost of cash.
But when Ivy's new client winds up dead twenty minutes later, Ivy will have to decide whether to dare to follow in her uncle's footsteps--and possibly suffer the terrifying costs of using dark power--or give up magic entirely, hang up her sleuth hat, and settle for an average life.

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